Easter egger.. Roo or hen?

I'm leaning cockerel because of the more flamboyant pattern and redder comb, but not completely positive yet. At 10 weeks, it's getting close to the time you can start seeing male vs. female specific saddle feathers, but keep in mind that EE patterns can be deceptive to your eye. The pattern can make feathers appear pointed, even if they're rounded. I zoomed on one of your pics to try to spot some, but can't tell for sure if it's feathers or pieces of feathers that I'm seeing. So here's what you're looking for--if the saddle feathers stay rounded like the ones outlined in purple, it's a pullet. If you start seeing more like the blue outline (and they're individual feathers and not just a piece of a feather), it's a cockerel.

Edited to add, I think the blue-outlined bit is a piece of a rounded feather, so there're no male-specific feathers yet. It could still be an early-developing pullet. You should know within the next couple of weeks, hopefully.


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