Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Hello I'm new here just reading what everyone is talking about. I've got 4 black sex links, 3 Columbian, 3 barred rocks andall those I know they are girl's. But I also have 4 americanas that we got from a farmer. I think 3 are females and one is the boy. This one likes to get up on the fence and roost he also will go farther out than the other three and if he goes the other three will follow him some times.No crowing yet so we are still unsure. They are two weeks younger than the other ten and they are two months now. So in a couple of weeks my ee will be two months as well. The only reason I think he is a he is that he will flare out his feathers at the other girls if they do it to him.
Wow, your first post....welcome to BYC....ummm, we love pictures!!!
1. pullet
2. pullet
3. cockerel
4. cockerel (I think you're right)
5. pullet

Assuming that they're 6-8 weeks here.

#2 and #5 have really smooth surfaces where there combs should be and no coloring so I had assumed they were pullets. What I'm not seeing correctly is #1; her comb really doesn't seem much smaller than the other cockerels pictured and has a tint of pink to it. I'd always assumed that to be a rooster trait, but most here on the forum in this thread and another seem to agree on it being a pullet. So.. I guess for clarity and curiosity, what identifying traits give her away as a girl?
Recent photos of my EE. Guesses on gender?




4. Assuming cockerel with the red feather showing?

I agree that 3 and 4 are males. The first one looks like a female, but you are right, the comb is a bit pink. I think female because of the low profile of the comb. The cockerels' combs usually stand out in profile. A lot will depend on the age of the birds though. How old are these? EEs are tough to sex because you never really know what they are mixed with and the combs and comb development do vary greatly.

I definitely think they'e pullets. Only weird thing is the first one's stance.. For her age, her comb is very small and light so that's one of the main reason I lean away from her being a rooster. I hope she.. 'remains a pullet'! But she does remind me a lot of my Lotus- who is a pullet- the black head, gray feathers mostly, and the orange on the shoulders ;)

I wonder if they looked similar as babies too?
Was the first one brown as a baby? Lotus was! But she slowly turned gray with hints of blue, with a black head and .. she's just constantly changing color. I wonder what they'll all look like full grown!
Lotus is beautiful! I'd love to see what she looks like after her first molt.

He or she? Beard Face:
Beard Face is a she. No doubt on this one!
We need a bit more info here. The link between the 2nd and 3rd pics is not working for me. Are those last two of the same bird? It's too young to sex. How old is the first chick? Also too young, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a cockerel because of all the flashy white coming in. Can you post again in a week or two?

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