Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Roo or pullet? 8 weeks



worried about the comb..

Well that's another thing. None of them will even get in the nesting boxes! They will sit on top of them. The egg was just right in front of the door on the ground under a roost. Maybe I should put my cam out for the day tomorrow and see if I get another? Cause of one laid the rest aren't far behind they are all the same age in this batch. Only days apart.

I posted some pics of GlaDos the other day, but the one of her face was pretty darn fuzzy, and IMO made her face look a lot more red than I think it is.

Again I purchased her 5/11/13. She was about 2-3 weeks old when I got her (as far as I know)

I also tried to get a pic of her side to show if she had any saddle feathers, which I don't "think" she does, but I'm so far from an expert it's painful.

I moved her feathers over her tail to see if I could see any pointy feathers coming in, all I saw was white fluff, but she wasn't very cooperative.

So, female or male?

Wow.  I don't see any obvious cockerels (yet).  Maybe this is a sexed group by mistake which makes up for the errors in your last order!  I really like the dark one (#1), such rich colors.  Keep us posted if some start looking rooish.

I bought the first batch through Murdoch's (Feed store), which I think gets their chicks from McMurray. My second batch was a part of my Cackle Hatchery Surprise order. And if they had had EE Roos at Murdochs, I would have bought some from the get go. So my little grey ball of fluff grew up to be a little Roo (who I think crowed for the first time this morning, while my nearly same age RSL has been crowing and mounting for 2-3 weeks).

Just reposting the Roo I do have. I wouldn't mind one of my baby EE turning out to be another Roo though. Unless his color changes a bit, he is just not my favorite in Roo colors ( I used to have Game Cock/EE Roos with the fabulous tails and such, so I am partial to those red/black-green colors in Roos). That first chick is pretty intense in its dark, rich coloring, so I am really interested to see how it turns out.

I posted some pics of GlaDos the other day, but the one of her face was pretty darn fuzzy, and IMO made her face look a lot more red than I think it is.

Again I purchased her 5/11/13. She was about 2-3 weeks old when I got her (as far as I know)

I also tried to get a pic of her side to show if she had any saddle feathers, which I don't "think" she does, but I'm so far from an expert it's painful.

I moved her feathers over her tail to see if I could see any pointy feathers coming in, all I saw was white fluff, but she wasn't very cooperative.

So, female or male?

That makes a minimum of 11 weeks old, so I think pullet. There is a lot of dark red, but is is spread all over and evenly, so looks more like a pullet pattern.
Well that's another thing. None of them will even get in the nesting boxes! They will sit on top of them. The egg was just right in front of the door on the ground under a roost. Maybe I should put my cam out for the day tomorrow and see if I get another? Cause of one laid the rest aren't far behind they are all the same age in this batch. Only days apart.

Haha. I had trouble keeping mine out of the nest boxes. The youngsters that were not close to laying wanted to use them for sleeping quarters, so I had to close them off until they were ready.

Try putting some decoy eggs or golf balls in the nest boxes. This will give them the right idea. I would also block off the tops of the nest boxes to keep them from sitting up there. The nest boxes should feel cozy and safe. Very distracting to have squabbling around over your head when trying to lay an egg, not to mention a pain to clean the poop from up there.


I wondering if my EE is a pullet or a roo? "Belle" is a 9 week old EE purchased from a hatchery. "She" is I think 2nd in to the top dog (so far) in a group of 4, but otherwise is not crowing, dosen't act protective of the group or any of the other rooster type behaviors. What do you think?
I think it's a pullet, but I'm not very confident (because of the darkish wings). Hope you get some other opinions. Do you have a close up of the comb?

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