Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Check OUt this little gal/guy. As an EE chick it was bluish, grey and black. Now that's it's feathering , it's black and white. No red /brown yet. Comb looks to have 3 rows, but so did another female EE that we had at this age....and she's definitely a hen. The shoulder feathers have not fully emerged-you can see the pin. feathers. Boy or girl?

Well I am going with girl because of the eyeliner. That is more of a girl thing. Looks like you might have a silver partridge.
Can anyone confirm for me if these two EE's are cockerels? Based on everything I've read here, I think they are . . . but, I don't know enough to trust myself yet :) I'd hate to rehome them and be wrong. They were hatched 2/2. Thanks!

EE #1

EE #2

I think your first one is a roo. The second may be a girl. The comb is smaller and has a lower body posture. It does have dark red but not just on the wing but on the body as well. That could just be a mahogany gene. If it is red caused by being male it will be darker and more intense than the body red.
I also vote boy. The color is very patchy compared to the b&w hen I had, plus the comb is wide and turning pink already.
Looks like my little guy who's 6 weeks, and very much has a rooster looking comb now. He was very slow to feather out, compared to the pullets whose back feathers came in very quickly. My b&w pullet is more uniform in coloring with a whitish head and more black and white uniform coloring from her shoulders down to her tail. You can go back and look, I posted pictures a while ago on this thread on pg 489, he's the last one in the group of 5 chicks.
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I hatched out these chicks for my sister in law and she sent me these pics.....They're both roos aren't they.. : ( they're almost 5 weeks

I hatched out these chicks for my sister in law and she sent me these pics.....They're both roos aren't they.. : ( they're almost 5 weeks

I dunno. The one in the back looks very "hennish" to me. With the partridge patterning on it's breast. And the one in the front only has one row of peas. I'm no expert but I'd swear they're both pullets?
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I hatched out these chicks for my sister in law and she sent me these pics.....They're both roos aren't they.. : ( they're almost 5 weeks

Neither look like typical pea combs. Do you know the parentage of the chicks? The one on the left looks like its comb is pinking up, so probable cockerel. Not sure about the other, but less pink, so maybe a pullet.
Judging only by the combs, the one in front MIGHT be a male, but the one in back has a small very thin comb. That could be a female. With EEs you need to look at more than just the comb. Feather development, coloration, & patterns are important as well as leg thickness & body stance.

I hatched out these chicks for my sister in law and she sent me these pics.....They're both roos aren't they.. : ( they're almost 5 weeks

I am not posting about my EE's, as they are well, healthy, and molting right now. Rather just a comment on sexing. I really appreciate all I have learned here. I have 18 meat bird chicks right now. They grow so fast. If feathering in helps determine sex for cornish cross, it has been super interesting to watch, and identify hens and roosters. We are at two weeks and the difference is huge on wing length, and tail formation.

I love this thread!

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