Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

my2boysteacher, the buff and brown (gold duckwing?) look like pullets.

The black and whites always confuse me. The one without the crest looks to have a pinkish comb (cockerel) in the 3rd pic, but shows an even color pattern in the last pic (pullet). The crested one (very cool looking, by the way
) seems to have a pale comb (what little bit is visible) but patchy white color pattern. Arghhh! Just guessing, but I think the only cockerel is the crested one.

Wait to see what others think!
Hi! This is the first year we've had more than one Easter Egger and I have one pullet/roo that I am curious about. The others are feathering out in a consistent pattern and don't have much of the way in bumps or colors on their combs. I know the black and white ones are particularly hard and the gals can have the three row comb but I'm just not sure about this one... S/he is about 4.5 weeks in these pictures.

sonderah, Blondie and Bullet are a bit young to tell. (2 weeks?) My prediction would be cockerel for Blondie based on a 3 row comb, slower feathering, and thick legs. Bandit looks more pullet-y. But at this stage, they change so much in one week, it's really a shot-in-the-dark-flip-a-coin kind of guess.
Hi! This is the first year we've had more than one Easter Egger and I have one pullet/roo that I am curious about. The others are feathering out in a consistent pattern and don't have much of the way in bumps or colors on their combs. I know the black and white ones are particularly hard and the gals can have the three row comb but I'm just not sure about this one... S/he is about 4.5 weeks in these pictures.

So, just by looking at the clues, you would think pretty obviously cockerel, but there have been a few black and white ones like this that ended up pullets. If the comb goes raspberry pink in the next week or two, I'd say boy for sure. Please post back with an update!
I definitely will! I know there's no defining red patches that would say roo yet but I guess maybe s/he is still a big young for that.

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