Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Hi. I have my first two EEs. They are about 4 weeks old. One has a larger comb than the other. One is a rich red-brown color and the one with the larger comb is more of a light tan and black. What do you all think? Here's two pics of each.

Wow. These two are certainly different than the typical EEs. If they switch combs, that would be an easy guess. But no. #1 has male comb and female feathering, #2 has female comb, male posture, unusual feathering, and short or no tail feathers which is more of a male trait. I would wait a few more weeks for more development before guessing. Watch to see if they develop a redder comb and dark blotchy colors on wings, then they are boys. Please update us in a few weeks. They might be more obvious then.
Hi! This is the first year we've had more than one Easter Egger and I have one pullet/roo that I am curious about. The others are feathering out in a consistent pattern and don't have much of the way in bumps or colors on their combs. I know the black and white ones are particularly hard and the gals can have the three row comb but I'm just not sure about this one... S/he is about 4.5 weeks in these pictures.

Quote: Well, gee, hasn't really changed all that much except for the brown coming in. I'm not confident about this one either way. S/he's about 5½ weeks in the latest pics? The comb is pretty large, but is still pullet colored. Coloring is... uhm... confusing. Think we're going to have to wait another week or so. Hope you can post again because I'm really curious about this one. Until then, we can call it Pat.
(Just for the record, I'm leaning toward cockerel, but really

What does everyone else think? Patrick or Patricia?
This is the rooster that I got this year.

This is the pullet

I have a question. I have this EE rooster and an EE hen. He is black with like a rust color and the hen is white with few red spots on her feathers. Here are some pics. What color do you think their chicks would be if I hatch some eggs out from them next year? I am just wondering for future planning.
This is the rooster that I got this year. This is the pullet I have a question. I have this EE rooster and an EE hen. He is black with like a rust color and the hen is white with few red spots on her feathers. Here are some pics. What color do you think their chicks would be if I hatch some eggs out from them next year? I am just wondering for future planning.
Hmm, Easter Eggers don't have specific colors so they'll have mixed colored chicks (when the two parents colors come together) or the colors of their grandparents will be passed down to them. You never know with Easter Eggers
Hi. I have my first two EEs. They are about 4 weeks old. One has a larger comb than the other. One is a rich red-brown color and the one with the larger comb is more of a light tan and black. What do you all think? Here's two pics of each.

I've got a chick or two beginning to feather with brown/black bars like this. Be interesting to see how they finish feathering out into. I was going to try selling them but it seems like no one is interested so I may see they grow up after all.
Hmm, Easter Eggers don't have specific colors so they'll have mixed colored chicks (when the two parents colors come together) or the colors of their grandparents will be passed down to them. You never know with Easter Eggers
So it isn't possible for the chick to look just like the pullet then? I really like her color, but I guess there is no way to get another like her then if the chick would probably be a mix between the two. Oh well, they will still be cute.
So it isn't possible for the chick to look just like the pullet then? I really like her color, but I guess there is no way to get another like her then if the chick would probably be a mix between the two. Oh well, they will still be cute. :D
I forgot to add that. It is possible to get another one like her, but how old is she? Chicks usually look different by the time they become adults. You may like her color now, but she'll end up changing into something prettier. :) that's what I like about chicks. They surprise me. Lol
I forgot to add that. It is possible to get another one like her, but how old is she? Chicks usually look different by the time they become adults. You may like her color now, but she'll end up changing into something prettier.
that's what I like about chicks. They surprise me. Lol
Right now she is a month and 3 days. I am pretty sure I know what she will look like though. She has a gray head and neck and the rest will most likely be white with red patches all over. Just a guess, but I am pretty sure. I am hoping I will get another one like her when I hatch eggs out from her next year. She is so sweet. I put my hand down to her and she comes running. Here are two pics. of her setting on my arm and sleeping on my lap :p

Right now she is a month and 3 days. I am pretty sure I know what she will look like though. She has a gray head and neck and the rest will most likely be white with red patches all over. Just a guess, but I am pretty sure. I am hoping I will get another one like her when I hatch eggs out from her next year. She is so sweet. I put my hand down to her and she comes running. Here are two pics. of her setting on my arm and sleeping on my lap :p
How cute!! Mine won't let me hold them. :( unless I chase them down and grab one. I never thought an Easter Egger could move that fast. By the way, you're sure it's a girl? I've heard red patches on the body indicate male. If I'm wrong, someone please chime in and correct me. I think she will be very pretty though.
How cute!! Mine won't let me hold them.
unless I chase them down and grab one. I never thought an Easter Egger could move that fast. By the way, you're sure it's a girl? I've heard red patches on the body indicate male. If I'm wrong, someone please chime in and correct me. I think she will be very pretty though.
Yea, I am sure. She doesn't have a bigger or redder comb. Usually, if they are roosters, they will have dark red feathers on their shoulders. She is the only one that likes to be held and I love it!

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