Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Here's another pic. Sorry it's so blurry. He/she is on the perch to the left.
Going crazy here..............LOLOL...................really ! I'm trying to upload pictures of my babies but can't get them to save as jpeg.......always saves as doc.x What am I doing wrong. I've had other pictures uploaded....it doesn't even offer jpeg when I go to save the pictures!!!!! HELP !!!
Aloha thank you all for helping me! My sons raised chickens when we lived on Kauai but not EE's, and I was not involved...we even flew their bantams to Oahu when we moved back here ten years ago but my neighbors went ballistic! I guess my 3 American Bulldogs are as much as they are going to take from us..so how much time do you think we have until the Roo starts to crow? If it is a Roo I want to find him a great home..
My cockerel started around 13-14 weeks. It wasn't so much the age when he started, it was the time.... 4:30am!

I put him in the garage every night for several weeks until his new owners were ready for him. Still woke us up, but spared the neighbors.
Here's an updated pic of my ee/cochin mix...I'm heartbroken bc everyday it looks more like a little roo...It's 5 weeks old now.

The big comb could just be the Cochin influence. In the pics, it looks pretty pale. Are you sure the older cockerel at your sister in law's still looks the same, with the gold chest? I think you're going to have to twiddle your thumbs a bit longer on this one before you know for sure. Next week?
 Not too sure on this one, but I am leaning hen. How old is it? The older it is, the more likely it is a hen. It's not Ameraucana. Here is a link to the Ameraucana website that shows pics. http://www.ameraucana.org/scrapbook.html
She's about 9weeks. The cage said sex link and Americans. The black one in my other pics is from the same cage at the feed store

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