Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

So I posted a thread with pics of this "girl" and "her" sisters, but since then, this guy has shown more signs of being a rooster. Just wondering what you guys think. It is quite bigger than the other two, and looks a lot different shape-wise. Thanks. Oh and in the last picture, it is the one on the top, just for size comparison.
How old?
I'm feeling girl on this one. Could be wrong though
I may be in the minority but I'm going to say pullet...her comb is still small, one row of peas..no reddening, no major splotches or dark red.
Even her shape seems like a pullet.
@IndigoChicken12 Please keep us updated!

I'd really like to see how this one turns out
@Brookshire11 Of course!
@IndigoChicken12 . I like your avatar, very cute. As for your 6 wk white chick, it looks more pullet to me. It looks like the markings are on the light side (not the deep red, rust color of a roo) and seem to be all over the body, probably will be lacing when it's fully feathered out. I hope the markings won't get darker which then mean it's a boy. Please post back when you know for sure.


@subhanalah Here are the two more outgoing, curious ones now at 7 1/2 weeks. I'm pretty sure the first one is a boy. What does everyone think? Some of my pics came out blurry. When I get more time I'll take more :)

Oops. Edited because I uploaded the wrong pic! The second one looks an awful lot like my BCMs now, feathered legs but a pea comb. Would be interesting if it were a pullet!
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@subhanalah Here are the two more outgoing, curious ones now at 7 1/2 weeks. I'm pretty sure the first one is a boy. What does everyone think? Some of my pics came out blurry. When I get more time I'll take more :)


@subhanalah Here are the two more outgoing, curious ones now at 7 1/2 weeks. I'm pretty sure the first one is a boy. What does everyone think? Some of my pics came out blurry. When I get more time I'll take more :)
hard to say with solid black ones. What are the parents? Was the mother a barred rock?




These are 6 1/2 weeks old and I'm hoping at least one of my EEs is a pullet! I'm still learning. Is the feather pattern on #2 a girl? I think #1 is a boy.
Thanks, everyone! :)

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