Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Does anyone have a picture of their lavender EE as a day old? I'm curious what color a day old lavender chick would be! :)
Does anyone have a picture of their lavender EE as a day old? I'm curious what color a day old lavender chick would be!

silvery gray/white.
Here is a pic of a lavender Orpington chick:

Thanks Bruce for your opinion. I agree with you also. I will keep one rooster, but the other one will have to be re-homed. I think the first Roo may end up with prettier feathering. Anything else I should look for when trying to determine sex?

My understanding is that cockerels will probably have thicker legs than pullets. Possibly more likely to "go on alert" when startled whereas pullets might "cower". And then there is the mahogany/rust red patches that might appear on the "shoulders". Of course I have no personal experience with this so take it with a few sun flower seeds

It just might be luck but last year at the feed store they had EE straight runs. They looked like the Welsummer that I have so I picked 2 with a perfact V on the head like the welsummers and both ended up being girls. Maybe it was luck or maybe it had to do with the V.

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