Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

So, this is "Suzy." She (I hope) was hatched on Mar. 31st. Thanks for your input.
Did this post get overlooked? Suzy is too young to be sure. The red on the wings does not look like rusty roo red and it is too soon for that anyway. Post some pics next week and we'll try again.
Thoughts on these 2 EE's? Both about 6 weeks old, brought them home on March 8th. They are our "lap chickens" and prefer being held. :)

#1 (thought this one was a female but it's been picking fights and running circles with our bantam mille roo and a couple silkies)

#2 (pretty sure Grey half-crowed this morning lol)

Okay, so I "chickened out" and didn't guess on these two because, although signs say cockerel for both, the first one still strikes me as a pullet.
Could you please post an update in a week or two. I'm very curious. Very nice chicken helper you have there!!
This Olive Egger is 12 weeks. I thought it was a boy but there has been no crowing or roo behavior. I would have expected some crows by now since I dont have any other rooster. What do you all think?

Do you know what the cross is? And what happens to the saddle feathers when they are frizzy? Hope it's a girl.
Keep us posted!
I am trying to sex these birds. I was told they were Amerecauna but when I posted in their thread I got a resounding no. So now to try to sex the EE's I was told they were all pullets but I have a sneaky suspicion about Elizabeth. That would be the white one. They were hatched on 02/22/2013. All except for that last one. It was hatched 03/12/2013.







No name, what color will I be?

Again my little no name.
SeattleLeah, the barring is very light with the white being noticeably wider than the black. So, I think you have a cockerel. But, I'd hold off on rehoming until you're certain because he's so stinking cute.

Stellekitten, most of the pure white ones end up being pullets. If there were red blotching or a yellow shade to the head and neck, I'd be suspicious of Elizabeth. As it is, I don't see rooster in her. She's young yet and solid colors are much more challenging but I predict eggs from her. The other grown ones look to be pullets. The downy one is too young to predict much of anything. She may go buff or orange and will likely have patterning but other than that...

5chicks1roo, the splash is a cockerel based on comb color/growth and suspected crowing. I hope you can keep him -- he'll be pretty. The first chick, though, has some really unusual coloring and I am just not sure. Normally that dark red is a boy color but because it's bleeding through all over rather than patching, it could go either way. I hope you'll post photos again in a few more weeks.
dowgirl71, your chick has the same reddish hue coming in everywhere which isn't at all what I thought you'd said. You should post once the feathers are in. Any guess now would be about as good as a coin flip.
Oh no, both are roosters

Pullets on the top Roo on the bottom

Okay, so I "chickened out" and didn't guess on these two because, although signs say cockerel for both, the first one still strikes me as a pullet.
Could you please post an update in a week or two. I'm very curious. Very nice chicken helper you have there!!

5chicks1roo, the splash is a cockerel based on comb color/growth and suspected crowing. I hope you can keep him -- he'll be pretty. The first chick, though, has some really unusual coloring and I am just not sure. Normally that dark red is a boy color but because it's bleeding through all over rather than patching, it could go either way. I hope you'll post photos again in a few more weeks.

Thanks everyone! We are keeping them all. :) We got 4 EE's at that same time - the other 2 are pullets but one turned out to be a bantam EE whoops. So I am sort of hoping that Good Flyer (that's what the girls named the white/reddish brown one) turns out to be a female, but either way is fine. I will definitely post update pics! Good Flyer started out with a blue stripe down it's head/back and Grey started out completely grey (hence the name haha). And hubby said Grey was crowing the whole time he was out there this morning.

Good Flyer (at about 1.5 - 2 weeks) on the right in the 1st pic and on the middle left in the 2nd pic, you can see the blue stripe down the head/back:

SeattleLeah, the barring is very light with the white being noticeably wider than the black. So, I think you have a cockerel. But, I'd hold off on rehoming until you're certain because he's so stinking cute.
S/He is a blue frizzle EE x Barred OE. So my understanding is there is no chance of double barring genes so the lighter color barring should not signify gender as it does where roos have double barring like barred rocks. He is blue not black so that may also contribute to why he looks lighter. Im keeping my fingers crossed there may be some small hope its a girl.
dowgirl71, your chick has the same reddish hue coming in everywhere which isn't at all what I thought you'd said. You should post once the feathers are in. Any guess now would be about as good as a coin flip.
Thanks, debid. Yes, in the picture it does look much more uniform, but there are these two tufts of red feathers that stick up in between her wings. That doesn't show up in the pictures. I also haven't noticed much of a comb, but I will keep an eye on those characteristics and post more pics in the next few weeks.
Did this post get overlooked? Suzy is too young to be sure. The red on the wings does not look like rusty roo red and it is too soon for that anyway. Post some pics next week and we'll try again.
Thanks, Wishing4Wings. I will post more pics as Suzy gets older. I wasn't really concerned about this chick possibly being a rooster any more than usual, except when I read about the rust colored feathers on their wings. She's also not overly friendly, unless I bring a treat, which I think I read is more common for females.

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