Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Sigh...Groucho reminds me of the roo I had..so handsome!

AFM...drumroll please.........................................

Curry lays a light olive-colored egg!

Found it in the coop this evening. Does this make her an olive egger, or do olive eggers have darker eggs?
Looks more like pastel green on my monitor.
Oh ok. It is much more like the green one then, not the olive. But a light olive, not as blue as a mint which is what I picture when I picture a light green. I'm just so thrilled it is colored though!

Groucho has thick eyebrows. Must be a boy ;) lol

No I know it's a boy based on many other signs. Check out the red in the wings. Yep. Knew he was a boy at 4 weeks for sure, and had a good idea at 2 weeks.

He's now 11 weeks old, and will be my choice rooster for 2014's breeding season.
boy, my roos comb is twice that size and he just turned 12 weeks, but it has been red for a long time!
Pretty sure I dont even have to ask. . . . 5 weeks

Boy oh boy oh boys!
You sure do have the cutest little frizzy EEs. Did you get any pullets?
Hello, I have 2 chickens that were sold as Ameraucanas, but based on what I've read are actually Easter Eggers.
They are both very pretty birds (or should I say handsome), as I fear they may both be cockerels.
They are 8 weeks old in the pictures below.
Bob is the mostly white one, Callie is the mostly brown. Bob was supposed to be an ironic name.

Any thoughts from the experts out there on the gender of these fine looking specimens?





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