Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*


This little cutie is 5 weeks old, and was hatched from a pretty blue egg sent bt BYC's own Kara. She herself suggested I post her/him in this thread, so here you go.

Girl? Boy? I dunno. In real life s/he seems pretty girly-shaped, but that comb . . . ? Agh!

Roo. See how you can see the skin at the shoulders. That is the slow feathering gene at work. It only shows up on boys. Good thing is that it is dominant and any of his male offspring will carry it also and let you be able to tell the sex early.

picked up these 9 week old chicks today, was told they were Ameracaunas and will lay a green egg, and all pullets as the lady had one deffinate cockeral, whats the thoughts on these i'm really hoping they are all pullets, and what kind of comb does the chick in the front have?
heres another pic
That's an awful lot of red comb. I hope I'm wrong but I suspect you have at least two cockerels.
So in our order of pullets from Cacklehatchery earlier this month we got 5 Easter Eggers. I picked out two, a blue and a dark mahogany chipmunk colored one. They are 16 days old today. And I'm already beginning to suspect my blue one is another roo. D:


The more I look at "her" I'm thinking I see 3 rows on this one as well.

I SWEAR! There's something in my water that turns all chicks I raise into roosters.
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I think it is too early to tell also. I would wait until they are around 8 weeks. By then the pea comb will be well defined like my mooshoo's and turning red. I too have had no luck getting hens. I have had 9 roos from hatches. I only have kept the Mille Fleur D'uccle Roosters because they are very handsome and small. I have 4 Easter Egger's one of which is a rooster. I may have to part with him unless I separate him from the others to live alone.
Hi all, my 5 Easter Egger pullets are reaching 6 full months in a week and half, and still no eggs from any of them. Over the last two months, I saw some feathers in the coop but not a whole lot compared to my grown hens. Do pullets molt this time of year? When should I expect to see some eggs? My grown hens have stopped laying and I am really in need of eggs. I just had to buy some 'organic' eggs with sloshy pale yellow yolks. I really miss my hens' eggs with the deep dark orange and solid yolks. Any thoughts?

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