Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

So in our order of pullets from Cacklehatchery earlier this month we got 5 Easter Eggers. I picked out two, a blue and a dark mahogany chipmunk colored one. They are 16 days old today. And I'm already beginning to suspect my blue one is another roo. D:


The more I look at "her" I'm thinking I see 3 rows on this one as well.

I SWEAR! There's something in my water that turns all chicks I raise into roosters.
I asked this in another spot then found this. I have 4 chicks I hatched out 9 weeks ago. I am pretty sure one is a roo but I can't decide on what the other 3 are... the parents are ee moms, with dad being a barred rock and arucana mix (that is what I was told I think it is EE and BR) Here are mine, sorry the pictures are not that great, catching them is a challenge! All their backs The solitary brown one of the bunch ( my white & red roo in front and the daddy is way in the back) the brown one and the one that looks barred rock (it's comb has been developed like that for weeks) The barred rock one This one I am 90% sure it is a cockerel it developed the red in it's neck and on it's shoulders just over a week ago. My sole black one no beard like the others I don't know if you an truly tell from their combs because their dad is not a full EE. 3 have the triple rose comb and one a single comb.
I believe you have all cockerels.
Thought I'd share some images of my EEs.


Groucho - keeper cockerel. He is juvenile molting right now.

Pullet (eyebrows!)


Bantam Pullet

I am not yet sure I want to call him an Ameraucana, even though that is what he was sold to me as.. so were the previous ones.. I have a white pullet with green legs. Hoping to breed that out of them in the coming generations.

Easter Egger pullet (beardless). Came out of green egg. Has a lot of Plymouth Rock in her (Silver Pencilled). She is a really good size, and I know she will be a great layer based on her body type alone.

She is 14 weeks here, but is 17 weeks now.
Thought I'd share some images of my EEs.


Groucho - keeper cockerel. He is juvenile molting right now.

Pullet (eyebrows!)


Bantam Pullet

I am not yet sure I want to call him an Ameraucana, even though that is what he was sold to me as.. so were the previous ones.. I have a white pullet with green legs. Hoping to breed that out of them in the coming generations.

Easter Egger pullet (beardless). Came out of green egg. Has a lot of Plymouth Rock in her (Silver Pencilled). She is a really good size, and I know she will be a great layer based on her body type alone.

She is 14 weeks here, but is 17 weeks now.
I love the colors. The white roo is gorgeous. I have 3 juvenile EE's at 13 weeks. I will have to share pics when I take some new ones.
UPDATE: Okay I posted about two weeks ago my 10 week old Olive egger - (copper maran x ameraucana mix) and my Lavender Ameraucana Fiona...
I now know for sure that Fiona is a rooster- so we shall call him Heona, but the Olive egger is a mystery to me, it looks like it has a single row of peas in its comb, but its comb is much redder than the other confirmed pullets??? LMK what you think:)

First this is Sharkie at about 7 Weeks

Here he/she is now....

My rooster Heona and Sharkie...

this picture below has Sharkie (black and gold bird in left front) and the Lav bird on the right ( this is a confirmed pullet) can you see that Sharkies comb is much more pink?

I hope you all can help me out with my bird.... Thanks!
Thought I'd share some images of my EEs.


Groucho - keeper cockerel. He is juvenile molting right now.

Pullet (eyebrows!)


Bantam Pullet

I am not yet sure I want to call him an Ameraucana, even though that is what he was sold to me as.. so were the previous ones.. I have a white pullet with green legs. Hoping to breed that out of them in the coming generations.

Easter Egger pullet (beardless). Came out of green egg. Has a lot of Plymouth Rock in her (Silver Pencilled). She is a really good size, and I know she will be a great layer based on her body type alone.

She is 14 weeks here, but is 17 weeks now.
BTW your birds are breathtakingly beautiful!!!
I know I will ruffle some feathers with this one
...but personally think EE come out more beautiful than some of the "pure bred" birds, they are all so unique!
Thank you, I agree with you on the black one with red shoulders, I thought weeks ago the one that has barring and a very large comb was also a cockerel. But the brown one I have always thought was a pullet I was wanting it to be a him, and I still feel it is a pullet. Other than it's coloring, no longer curling tail feathers, no green or shimmery feathers like my roo's have and it's hatch mate has. I do have several hens with the same coloring as that one so I am torn on the coloring being an indicator. The little one yes I agree I think that one is a pullet.

I see everyone thinks they are all cockerels, but what are the odds that ALL 4 (of the 6) eggs put under my hen turned out to be cockerels. It don't give me much hope that I will be able to use my own chickens to increase/replace my flock. When I checked their wings after they dried off my guess then was 2/2, but I kept second guessing myself and then thought I had all pullets, but by that time they were more than 2 days old.

Time will tell and I will know within a few more weeks if I truly have 2,3, or 4 cockerels.

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