Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Well, this girl's mum was from a flock who originated with EErs + Silkies + Golden Comets + Amber Whites + random bantams. The original flock is 20+ years old, bred by the owner mostly for egg production and some broodiness.

With that background, seems like you can make up your own name for the color of this one! She's very cute. I think paint is good, like in a horse.
Well, I'm hoping SOME of her chicks carry that nice splotchy color!
I got similar colour with a few of my dominant white girls. Not so pretty, but similar. I'd love to have something like that!

I have this one bantam EE that has one spot :p Isn't she darling? Her mother is full bantam Ameraucana and her dad is a crested Easter Egger (with silkie blood in him as well) so she has a bit of feathering on her legs and 5 toes.
I got similar colour with a few of my dominant white girls. Not so pretty, but similar. I'd love to have something like that!

I have this one bantam EE that has one spot :p Isn't she darling? Her mother is full bantam Ameraucana and her dad is a crested Easter Egger (with silkie blood in him as well) so she has a bit of feathering on her legs and 5 toes.
What a cutie! I don't know much about breeding and genetics but would crossing a Silver Spangled Hamburg create the paint color?
What a cutie! I don't know much about breeding and genetics but would crossing a Silver Spangled Hamburg create the paint color?
I don't think so. Not first generation anyway. Wish I could tell you how the paint colour came to be! I do find dominant white sometimes expresses spots.

Here's another example of dominant white expressing in a female.
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This is my pretty, 3 year old EE hen. She lays eggs that are almost blue, but a little green tint. She has survived bumblefoot in both feet and a dog attack. I was hoping one of her eggs would hatch when I was trying to hatch a new roo last spring, but none of them went to maturity.


Here is my white ee at 10wks that I used to think would be a roo. I am almost positive it is a pullet now. Her comb has always been more red than the others. I wonder if the white fools the eye a little with no other colors to "tone" down the red a bit?? Anyhow, i am in love with this one!!

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