Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I just thought I'd post a chick feathering to adult feathering on one of my roosters.

He was such a cute little guy and I though he'd keep that black spangleling on his chest but I really don't like how he finally feathered in. He kinda looks like an 80s hair band singer if you ask me

Wow, he really looks like he's got Salmon Faverolles in his blood... did he ever grow a real tail?
The last picture is recent. He still doesn't have tail feathers yet. His dad is my red/blue EE rooster and I don't know who his mother was. He has no faverolle in his genes.
I think I'm going to replace him with a red/blue EE cockeral I have out of the same roo. I just really don't like his colors and the only thing he has going for him is that volumous beard but my cockeral has a nice beard too and the blue coloring to pass on to his future offspring.

Here's the cockeral
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But I also have this nice pea combed cockeral with a bit more blue and no wattles to speak of.

Choices, choices... too bad I already have 7 roosters.
I know the feeling. I'm still torn about what to do with my roosters as well. Which ones to keep and which ones to send to freezer camp. Once the deed is done there's no changing my mind and I can't keep them all.
But I also have this nice pea combed cockeral with a bit more blue and no wattles to speak of.

Choices, choices... too bad I already have 7 roosters.

Surprised that there is no faverolles, but love his colors and body shape most of all. Not having a tail yet might be evidence of slow feathering, which is nice. But if you've decided not to keep him...

I really like the cockerel in this photo, since wattles on a muffed bird tend to bother me.

Katt66 is right, the decision about which to cull and which to keep always bothers me. I feel like I never make the right choice!
Surprised that there is no faverolles, but love his colors and body shape most of all. Not having a tail yet might be evidence of slow feathering, which is nice. But if you've decided not to keep him...

I really like the cockerel in this photo, since wattles on a muffed bird tend to bother me.

Katt66 is right, the decision about which to cull and which to keep always bothers me. I feel like I never make the right choice!
So a cockerel who doesn't grow his tail until very late is a sign of slow feathering?

This would be a good trait to encourage then because all of his male offspring will have slow growing tails?

I'm wondering because one of the roo's that's possibly scheduled for freezer camp in a few days didn't grow a tail till he was nearly four months old. For a very long time he looked like an enormous multicolored fluffy Easter egg.
Have you ever played Bridge or Spades? It is and oversimplification but the trump system in the card games is a helpful analogy to how genes work. Spades trump Diamonds which trump Hearts which trump Clubs. When understanding how genes divide up I use Red Rover. Some kids had really strong handgrips and were hard to break apart. This is like the genes for blue eggs and pea comes. They can be broken but it doesn't happen that often. Any of you needlepoint or bead? Think of a DNA strand as the graphs that patterns are on. Each little square is a spot that a gene can plug into. This is called a map unit. The closer genes are together the more likely they will stay together when they are divided in the process of making sperm or ova. Any two genes closer than 50 map units (the squares on the graph pattern) are likely to shift together.
Yes, Spades, I have. That does make more sense to me. I think it's all very interesting. I think I will read more on it. Thanks for simplifying it!

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