Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Do EE's have a different call than other chickens? Pete is about 3 months and make a call that is somewhere between a cuckoo, a crow and their normal cluck. The EE has done it for more than a month, now. I know, rooster coming into their crow are hilarious, having had a few. Pete sounds nothing like it, tho. I don't know what Pete is, yet. I find when I name they come up the opposite sex, so...
So here is a link to youtube. If someone can tell me if Pete is just a weird chicken or if this is the "breed". The box their are in is about 18 sq ft so it looks small it's the angle of the shot. It's still a bit cold to put them out so they are in my living room. Pete does this a few times a day. 4-6 times in a row, it's so cute but I have never heard a bird sound like this. Pete does cluck also. I thought for a while it was one of the bantams in with Pete but I caught "him" doing it the other day. The bantams are still peeping. Pete I was thinking "he" was a he till the clucking started.

At 12 weeks, Pete looks (and sounds) like a cockerel.
His comb is very red and looks large for a pullet. Looks like a pretty typical EE.

(I also noticed a little cockerel in your batch of younger chicks.)
So here is a link to youtube. If someone can tell me if Pete is just a weird chicken or if this is the "breed". The box their are in is about 18 sq ft so it looks small it's the angle of the shot. It's still a bit cold to put them out so they are in my living room. Pete does this a few times a day. 4-6 times in a row, it's so cute but I have never heard a bird sound like this. Pete does cluck also. I thought for a while it was one of the bantams in with Pete but I caught "him" doing it the other day. The bantams are still peeping. Pete I was thinking "he" was a he till the clucking started.

That is the cutest thing!
I sort of thought that, also. He started it at about a month and a half old and it hasn't changed at all. I have a few roosters and it is funny the first few days, weeks when they start around puberty but he was so young. Plus this hasn't changed except maybe to get a bit louder. lol

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