Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I definitely will! I know there's no defining red patches that would say roo yet but I guess maybe s/he is still a big young for that.

Many of the silver based ones don't ever get any red on them at all, so you can't always go by that. It is the large patches of white on the wings that tend to show males, but I have seen a couple of pullets posted on here that look like that too. I think black coming in on the breast also shows male. (I don't have first hand experience with this color.)
sonderah, Blondie and Bullet are a bit young to tell.  (2 weeks?)  My prediction would be cockerel for Blondie based on a 3 row comb, slower feathering, and thick legs.  Bandit looks more pullet-y.  But at this stage, they change so much in one week, it's really a shot-in-the-dark-flip-a-coin kind of guess.  :)

They are about 17 days old. I was hoping close enough for a good guess! LMBO! But, that's what I've been guessing. Based in feathering, & Bandits tail feathering so quickly. And Blondies head is HUGE compared to Bandit!

But, I'll get new pics next week. Lol
heby, that is a very big comb for 9 weeks, and looks quite red, so I also think cockerel. Bearded birds (Ameraucanas) don't get wattles, so you can't use that to predict the sex.
I'm going to agree. My Roo had a MUCH redder comb than my pullets, like that, by 9 weeks. But he had also started crowing so..there was no guessing there.
I posted him on here awhile back, at 4 weeks.

4 weeks:

9 Weeks
My roo Cecil. Lavendar Americauna. Straight comb= Easter Egger. Such a good boy to his girls. I wish he had a tail, but I am told that lavendar goes with broken feathers.

Hmmmm...it was much pinker, compared to my other EEs, by 4 weeks.
But I'd say it was RED red around 7 weeks.
That picture was him at 9 and it was actually much redder than it looks in the pictures. Like a row of raspberries on his beak lol. My girls STILL aren't pink at all

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