Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I don't see at all why that would be true. Even among purebred silkies there can be variation in the darkness of the skin or comb.

that's why I was asking. I just tried this pairing to get more laying hens for myself anyways. My husband likes the larger blue eggs so I thought I would see if the mixed hens would still lay blue eggs to. Love my EE s.
Does anyone else really appreciate the way a beardless EE looks?
My EE is beardless and mostly brownish. Not that I don't appreciate her (love the olive green eggs we get!) but really in a group she can almost blend in with my RIRs so not much to look at. My favorite was my black and white hen, but a raccoon got her. :(
Hi everyone! Just an update, but awhile back I posted about if bacon and taco was a cockerel or not. Everyone said that Taco was a pullet, but I had a feeling he wasn't. So today I went up to the coops and both of them were trying to crow along with one of my Wyandotte cockerel. I am happy that they are males (usually never say that), but they will be the dads to next years bunch! I think they will give some pretty cute chicks!

Hi everyone! Just an update, but awhile back I posted about if bacon and taco was a cockerel or not. Everyone said that Taco was a pullet, but I had a feeling he wasn't. So today I went up to the coops and both of them were trying to crow along with one of my Wyandotte cockerel. I am happy that they are males (usually never say that), but they will be the dads to next years bunch! I think they will give some pretty cute chicks!

I was curious as to what he looked like when you posted the gender question for Taco. So, I went to look. He was clearly a roo 3 weeks ago and that was the response from another member. Did you also post the gender question for Taco in another forum and was told he was a girl?
Taco will be a beautiful rooster and I am glad that you can keep him. A lot of us here can't keep roosters. I had to give mine away.
I was curious as to what he looked like when you posted the gender question for Taco. So, I went to look. He was clearly a roo 3 weeks ago and that was the response from another member. Did you also post the gender question for Taco in another forum and was told he was a girl?
Taco will be a beautiful rooster and I am glad that you can keep him. A lot of us here can't keep roosters. I had to give mine away.
Yes on another thread there was like 3 people I think that said pullet. I need to get an updated pic of him this one is from about a little over two weeks ago. Yea I live out in the country and I am surrounded by woods so there is no houses around really. Just farms and fields so I guess I am lucky. I don't want to have more roosters than I need though, so two is the max.

Have an ee chick that is raising its hackles and jumping at other chicks much like a roo would. Does automatically mean its a rooster? Or will females do this too when establishing a pecking order ? She/he has a red orange breast,red head and black hackles.
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Have an ee chick that is raising its hackles and jumping at other chicks much like a roo would. Does automatically mean its a rooster? Or will females do this too when establishing a pecking order ? She/he has a red orange breast,red head and black hackles.
You are correct that hens will also jump and raise their hackles at each other to determine pecking order. The chick you have pictured I suspect is a roo based on the large comb, but I would give it some more time

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