Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

oh ok. any input on mine?!
You might have to wait a few more weeks BLT. Chicks can totally change color between 3 and 6 weeks. Around that time you can also tell better what gender they are. We bought 8 chicks in March and so far 5 of them have turned out to be something other than what we were told we were getting. Unfortunately that can happen with chicks.
Sorry that happened to you. These chicks I just got were donated to a daycare for incubation observation. They also came from two different farms so I have no background info. I know there were blue, green, brown and white eggs. I have 2 that hatched out of white eggs. 2 that hatched out of unknown color, and friend took the last 2 that hatched from blue. My luck is to not end up with blue or green layers. Haha! I got 1 chick from a friend last year from a blue egg! Rooster! I incubated 8 eggs this year and got 1, rooster! Haha! But I love them all!!!
Well, we put Pearl up last night and got a lot of help...thank you! So now it's Glady's turn for scrutiny. What do you think, cockerel or pullet at 10 weeks old...I'm thinking girl. (Who am I kidding? She's one of my two favorites - I'm hoping girl!)

Got a quick kinda off topic question if you all don't mind. I have some EE's and pure ams that for some reason seem to think everybodys beard is delicious.
How in the world do I get them to stop eating each others beards? I want to keep the fluffiest ones but it's kinda hard to tell when it's never there. lol They're fed Layer pellets and get a couple hours a day free ranging the yard(1/3 acre) and even get scrambled eggs when I find a cracked egg in the boxes. (usually once a week or so) So I don't think its nutritional... Even the big meanie Roo is "shaved" now.
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Beautiful! Not an expert but from experience my ee's were red pea combed and infrequent crowing by 10 weeks. I would say pullet for you!

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