Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

For rooster aggression I suggest searching BYC threads on this... you need to find the threads on how to become the flock leader AKA you have to impress on the young teenager roo you are the Roo in charge, they also give examples of early warning signs, and how to correct the behavior so you do not have Monster Roo... or it is the other option rooster dinner. 

Okay chicken earlobes: in many chickens there are little tiny feathers that cover and obscure the actual earlobe colour, so brown would be your bird's feathers most likely. In many other chickens the earlobes are naked so you can easily see the skin colour. So to know your bird's genetics you are going to need to look under the feathers...

The Earlobe sort of true sort of false egg colour correspondence:

People along time ago decided to breed white egg layers to have white earlobes (or yellow) & brown egg layers to have red earlobes. But, & this is important to remember there are many, many breeds of chicken with red earlobes that lay white eggs & white/yellow earlobes that lay brown eggs... because the genes for ealobe colour and egg colour are actually not connected, it is only the result of artificial (selective breeding) selection bty us humans & not every group of people did this with their chicken breeds. So not 100% rule of thumb.

Also Green & Blue Earlobes are just really the white/yellow with the dark skin pigmnet over the top so again does not equal egg colour.

Now with all that said you can breed with Earlobe colour to equal a certain egg colour if you wish, and also to increase or decrease the size of the earlobes, and if you want fuzzy earlobes or naked ones. 


Thank you very much! This is very interesting. I guess I will have to wait and see. I will at some point also try to look under the ear feathers out of curiosity .

As far as roosters, I have had three, one extremely aggressive. I read everything and nothing helped for more than a couple days. Second set, one was aggressive but not as bad as the first rooster I had and the second of the set was fine. The problem with the second is that he became very aggressive toward one of my hens. She still caries the scars. These were all bantams with standard hens. I do not want to have to be watching my back all the time and I also have very young nieces that visit. I have horses and am a very strong leader. I am good at it with horses and dogs but with chickens I do have a fear of them since I was attacked badly once and have never quite gotten over it. All three have been re-homed. One day I will have one again. I love the way they protect their girls.
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I would appreciate any help that I can get. I would like to know if any of my EE's are Pullet or Rooster.

This is Sister .... Pullet or Cockerel?

This is Miss V .... same question

This is Gibi again the same question
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Originally Posted by Scottiemom View Post

Here's another view of Ember. I am having a hard time telling.
Ember's 2nd view
I will definately keep you updated. I really hope she's a pullet!
That looks like a three-row comb to me and rarely do young pullets have 3-row combs.  Please update in a few weeks.

I have a pullet that has a minimal three row pea comb similar to this one, but its still very pale.by 6 weeks my cockerels are always pinking up.

is this an ee? about 7 weeks old now.

the white one I know is a leghorn. any idea on black one? she has slate legs! tiny comb!

have posted in a few threads and no one has given me an indication to breeds. they came from an incubator at a daycare with white, brown, and bluish/green eggs!
Thank you very much! This is very interesting. I guess I will have to wait and see. I will at some point also try to look under the ear feathers out of curiosity .

As far as roosters, I have had three, one extremely aggressive. I read everything and nothing helped for more than a couple days. Second set, one was aggressive but not as bad as the first rooster I had and the second of the set was fine. The problem with the second is that he became very aggressive toward one of my hens. She still caries the scars. These were all bantams with standard hens. I do not want to have to be watching my back all the time and I also have very young nieces that visit. I have horses and am a very strong leader. I am good at it with horses and dogs but with chickens I do have a fear of them since I was attacked badly once and have never quite gotten over it. All three have been re-homed. One day I will have one again. I love the way they protect their girls.
I understand on the roos, I had to go into a coop when I was a kid with a vicious roo on guard duty, he hated everyone & the only way to feed, water and collect eggs was to knock him out as he came flying at your head with his talons... he scarred the heck out of me.

I hope you find a roo that is people friendly & good to his girls.

is this an ee? about 7 weeks old now.

the white one I know is a leghorn. any idea on black one? she has slate legs! tiny comb!

have posted in a few threads and no one has given me an indication to breeds. they came from an incubator at a daycare with white, brown, and bluish/green eggs!
Try getting a shot of the black one alone side view, and a good head shot of her comb... also look at the black ones legs, look for little nubs, how many on each leg? & what colour are the bottoms of her feet?

Is this a hen or Roo? I'm new to chickens

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