Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I'm suspicious about the one on the right. The other lighter yellow ones seem to be pullets.

I did double-take on that one, but all three have round saddle feathers. Add that to even coloring and they're all pullets
Is it too early too tell for this one (all light colored one)? The person who sold her and her sister said he thought her mom was an Americauna b/c of her puffy cheeks. The dad of both was a buff orp.
I'll post the other (darker one) just for fun too b/c I suppose she could possibly be an easter egger, we don't know her mom, she could be any of the following:
White Rock
Danish Brown Leghorn
New Hampshire Red
Jersey Giant
Black Copper Maran
Barred Rock

They both seem to have the single comb, rather than the pea comb. Also the dominant color is the buff. I think you can rule out the barred rock for their mothers. A barred hen with a solid cock would either yield a barred male offspring or a solid black female offspring.
I don't see any red patches coming in on either of them yet, but you'll want to grow them out a while yet and try posting updates. Depending on the mix of breeds, there may not be red shoulder feathers on a potential cockerel. Usually by five or six weeks, the comb will be fully red and plump on a single comb type cockerel.
They both seem to have the single comb, rather than the pea comb. Also the dominant color is the buff. I think you can rule out the barred rock for their mothers. A barred hen with a solid cock would either yield a barred male offspring or a solid black female offspring.
I don't see any red patches coming in on either of them yet, but you'll want to grow them out a while yet and try posting updates. Depending on the mix of breeds, there may not be red shoulder feathers on a potential cockerel. Usually by five or six weeks, the comb will be fully red and plump on a single comb type cockerel.
Great, thanks!
Thanks for your quick reply, crazy here and despite not posting, I do lurk a lot!!! You were right, Ozma. Is Oz...
and crows ALL the time!

The littles are still not confirmed! DG is in the front / left and Nimue is in the back/right. They are very camera shy! They are almost 14 weeks old.


Tried to delete but was unsuccessful....
Your rooster is so handsome, I don't see anything but pullets in your second pic.

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