Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

One of my sweet chicks laid their first eggs today!!! We have 2 EE, 2 Barred rocks, 2 bsl, 2 rsl, and a Wyandotte, and a d'uccle bantam. The egg is such a pretty green. Any guesses of which breed laid the first egg?
Beautiful color. I love it.
still figure these are both pullets? there's salmon on the silver one's wings, but that comb looks a lot like her brother, a barred bird with rust on his shoulders.


I would say at eight weeks it is a roo. Our little blue/grey looked like a girl until about eight weeks too, then the comb started growing and the neck/head darkened. If there is no crowing, then wait to be sure, these solid color ones can be a little tougher to sex. But the comb says roo.
How old are your EE gals? I'd love to see a pic of the hen who layed it. That is a beautiful color!
I am really not sure which one laid it. But I will send you a picture of both girls. So you think the EEs, from what I read, they are the only ones that could lay that kind of color. It just surprises me, both of them don't have a lot of red in their combs yet. It is so pretty!
I would say at eight weeks it is a roo. Our little blue/grey looked like a girl until about eight weeks too, then the comb started growing and the neck/head darkened. If there is no crowing, then wait to be sure, these solid color ones can be a little tougher to sex. But the comb says roo.

Yeah they're so confusing, my gut says boy but maybe it's a girl. Idk
I am really not sure which one laid it. But I will send you a picture of both girls. So you think the EEs, from what I read, they are the only ones that could lay that kind of color. It just surprises me, both of them don't have a lot of red in their combs yet. It is so pretty!

To lay a green egg requires both a blue egg laying gene and a brown egg gene.
These genes are independent of each other, meaning the blue egg gene has nothing to do with the brown egg laying gene.
Brown is not actually a shell color, it is an overlay. Blue is an egg shell color, and white is actually the absence of blue...if that makes since?

SO I'm not saying your EE's laid that egg...but something you have is carrying both the blue and brown egg genes, which is what most refer to as an EE.

If you have another"breed"....say An Orp for example, and she lays a green egg that means somewhere in her background is a blue egg layer.
If the bird that lays the green egg was hatched from a brown egg, then her father carried the blue egg gene.
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still figure these are both pullets? there's salmon on the silver one's wings, but that comb looks a lot like her brother, a barred bird with rust on his shoulders.


The smaller black one on the right is definitely a female. The other gray one is questionable. It's possible (but not common) to have a female with a 3-row comb, so one cannot only judge only based on comb. If the comb were more red instead of pink, then you'd have a boy for sure. The comb looks more pink to me. With this one, you'll have to look at feather patterns, thickness of legs compared to other EEs of same age, posture/ stance, and maybe even behavior. On the plus side, since it's getting older, s/he may crow or lay an egg soon. That's the easy way to tell the sex. Early crows sound nothing like a crow. It could be a weird honk, gargle, or even gobbling.
Hi everyone! I need help with my EE's! They are only 2 weeks and 3 days old right now, but I think I might have a roo......I hope I don't.
They are the only ones in the brooder right now so they are very attached to each other.
Here's Ana (yes, from Frozen)! "She" is my suspected roo. "She" is very calm and when separated from Elsa (from Frozen too) she doesn't make much of a fuss. She is very sweet, but I noticed that she stands up really straight when alarmed. When they "fight for dominance "she wins and they don't fight very long if they do (maybe for a few seconds). I've had 4 RIR roos and they would fight constantly (they are at a new home now).
What do you think?

"Her" comb is a little more orange then Elsa's.

Here is Elsa! Very flighty and loud when separated from Ana. No color on comb. She acts more like a girl. Also she has gotten her feathers much faster then Ana. Both Ana and Elsa have gotten their feathers faster then my Black sex link, Brown sex link, Australorp and Silkie did when they were that age. (faster then my RIR roos too) They have been the same weight of either my Black sex link and Brown sex link at the same age.
Both Ana and Elsa have been the same weight as each other, but the last time I weighed them Ana was like 1/8 of a ounce heavier.
So what do you think of Elsa?

She has some feathers on her legs so I'm wondering what breed/breeds are in her.
I really appreciate help on their sex.
Thanks for the help.

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