Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

This "girl" is just now 20 weeks. She hasn't laid an egg yet so I'm starting to worry that she is not a she. Any help?

Looks like a pullet to me!
Remember, 20 weeks is just an average. For every pullet that starts earlier, there's one (or two
) that starts later. From the look of her comb, she is getting close. If she starts nosing around the nest box, you'll know she is even closer. Here's wishing you beautiful blue eggs!
On those two barred, they look a lot like my Cuckoo Marans x EE crosses. That was my attempt to make olive Eggers. Those all turned out as boys, so I don't know what color the eggs would have been. I do think the first is more likely a pullet.
x2 on the cuckoo maran. They look a lot like my cuckoo maran with the white feet, my barred rocks have much more yellow feet. Never would have guessed they were Delaware x blue ameracauna crosses, I don't see either in these two.
I'm not good at choosing male or female. But these two are beautiful. I was surprised to see how green the legs are in the picture. Thanks for posting them, sorry I'm no help. Hopefully I will learn. I just order and trust that the order is right. :)
Here is one that I acquired a few weeks ago........EE are so hard for me to sex. Think these are at least 12 weeks along. I'll also post a more colorful one that I feel assured is a cockerel. The big one is about 21 weeks...
#1worried about the rusty splotch or two. Not really bright....yet


#3 Roo
The big one is my "older" young EE. Hoping she will be laying soon. Has started showing interest in the nest. Had 5 other EE's and 6 BCM before a coyote raid before my big coop became a reality!! Cried for days...
Here is one that I acquired a few weeks ago........EE are so hard for me to sex. Think these are at least 12 weeks along. I'll also post a more colorful one that I feel assured is a cockerel. The big one is about 21 weeks... #1worried about the rusty splotch or two. Not really bright....yet #2 #3 Roo The big one is my "older" young EE. Hoping she will be laying soon. Has started showing interest in the nest. Had 5 other EE's and 6 BCM before a coyote raid before my big coop became a reality!! Cried for days...
Sorry to hear about the coyote attack, those things are terrible. :hugs The first one, the black and white, is looking boyish to me. Are there two pictures of him? The one with brown and multi colored speckles has a more even pattern along the back and wings, thinking girl for that one. Eta: is that SNOW I see on the ground!?
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