Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Sorry to hear about the coyote attack, those things are terrible.

The first one, the black and white, is looking boyish to me. Are there two pictures of him?

The one with brown and multi colored speckles has a more even pattern along the back and wings, thinking girl for that one.

Eta: is that SNOW I see on the ground!?
The first 2 are the same pullet/roo It has been real "pullety" but I wonder because of the little rusty spots developing on the wing area.. The 3rd one has developed a lot of red/rust early in development....figured that would mean roo... The last one is "buttercup"....just seemed to fit after all she went thru.
Here is one that I acquired a few weeks ago........EE are so hard for me to sex. Think these are at least 12 weeks along. I'll also post a more colorful one that I feel assured is a cockerel. The big one is about 21 weeks...
#1worried about the rusty splotch or two. Not really bright....yet


#3 Roo
The big one is my "older" young EE. Hoping she will be laying soon. Has started showing interest in the nest. Had 5 other EE's and 6 BCM before a coyote raid before my big coop became a reality!! Cried for days...
So sorry about the coyote attack. And also sorry to say the first 3 chicks all look like boys to me. Hope you get eggs from the pullet in the last pic soon.
These chicks are just over 5 weeks. The coloring looks pullet to me, but I may be seeing a touch of pink in the combs. What do you think?

Chick 1 (brown) Both Parents EE

Chick 2 (blonde) Dad= EE Mom= mix of EE, White rock, & touch of Leghorn

Chick 3 (purebred Coronation Sussex - not an EE) I believe he's a boy.
These chicks are just over 5 weeks. The coloring looks pullet to me, but I may be seeing a touch of pink in the combs. What do you think? Chick 1 (brown) Both Parents EE Chick 2 (blonde) Dad= EE Mom= mix of EE, White rock, & touch of Leghorn Chick 3 (purebred Coronation Sussex - not an EE) I believe he's a boy.
The first two are both looking like pullets to me. (I'm not 100% on #1 though, keep an eye on the comb) think you are right about the CS you have. Looks like a boy.
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First one is a pullet based on coloring. That is classic pullet color and pattern.

Second one needs another week or two to be certain either way. The coloring is a little bit patchy, but no dark red yet. Leaning toward pullet.

Not familiar with Sussex, but the comb sure is red for 5 weeks. Think you're right about it being a cockerel.
Hey all I need some expert advice on the sexing of my 9 week old EE's, any help is apprieciated

1. Pretty positive this is a roo because of comb size and color pattern, I just put him up for comparison to his siblings

2. This is the 'freak' of the pen no tail, no comb, no neck feathers

3. This is the friendliest one, no comb but pointy feathers

I realllllllly hope they aren't all roosters :( As I said they're 9 weeks old. Thanks everybody!
^ Wow, I love that first one's patterning. Very handsome!

As for gender guesses, someone else will have to do that. I'm still convinced I have a hermaphrodite EE, it shows both male and female signs. :lol:
Hey all I need some expert advice on the sexing of my 9 week old EE's, any help is apprieciated

1. Pretty positive this is a roo because of comb size and color pattern, I just put him up for comparison to his siblings

2. This is the 'freak' of the pen no tail, no comb, no neck feathers

3. This is the friendliest one, no comb but pointy feathers

I realllllllly hope they aren't all roosters :( As I said they're 9 weeks old. Thanks everybody!

1. roo, 2. pullet, 3. leaning towards roo because of the tail feathers

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