Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I'm back with updated pics, these chicks are 8.5 weeks now. I'm almost positive #3 is a roo, Still not sure about the others!

I'm back with updated pics, these chicks are 8.5 weeks now. I'm almost positive #3 is a roo, Still not sure about the others!
1 pullet
2 pullet
3 roo - probably
4 ???? Sorry. There's a lot of red, but I can't tell if it's patchy roo-ish red or just the breed it's mixed with. At this point, you may see some behavior & stance clues. Listen for crow attempts. (It often sounds nothing like a real crow.)
I know it's along shot this early. The chicks are 21-23 days old. Any opinions are great! I relize it will be easier in next two weeks.
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