Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

cockerel this one is massive almost as big as momma
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im leaving one out can't figure out which one.
next time I'll keep it to 6 eggs. The first pic dad is in and broody mom
sorry for the overload! Any opinions would be great and appreciated !
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Here's what I think:
1# (black one) Hmm, I could go ether way. watch that comb in case it starts reddening up.
2# (redish one) I'm thinking cockerel, but it's hard to tell, watch for cock feathers coming in.
3# With that color I'm thinking it's a pullet, but It's a little hard to tell, so I could go ether way.
4# I'm strongly leaning toward pullet, just watch those dark red patches on her back.

I hope their mostly pullets!
Here's what I think:
1# (black one) Hmm, I could go ether way. watch that comb in case it starts reddening up.
2# (redish one) I'm thinking cockerel, but it's hard to tell, watch for cock feathers coming in.
3# With that color I'm thinking it's a pullet, but It's a little hard to tell, so I could go ether way.
4# I'm strongly leaning toward pullet, just watch those dark red patches on her back.

I hope their mostly pullets! :D

5# Rooster.
6# Probably a rooster
7# I could go either way on this one, watch for cock feathers coming in.
8# Pullet
Thank you! These chicks have me thinking different each week ! I guess it's all the red and black. Next time less chucks and only a couple mommas. She refuses to leave her babies I have a feeling she will be a life long broody! Any other opinions would be great! Thank you again
Chick #3 is a little more than 4wks old. Think it may be a silver partridge cockerel because of the silver-laced black on its chest and hackle. Feathers in hackle are very round however. Has incomplete barring on its wings. Don't know what color it is, but I think it's pretty :D For right now, it has green eyes.

Pink comb and white patches... looks like a cockerel.

As for the darling chicks, I'm terrible at predicting color from the chick down. The second one may end up with gold and blue, which is a pretty combination.
#2 pictures got mixed They are almost 7 weeks . all black big legs wide comb #1#2
Neither one a definite cockerel. Pics of combs are a bit unfocused, but I think at this age the width of the comb is less important than how raised it is. If the comb is prominently visible in a profile view, it's more likely male. I would wait another week before deciding on these two. Would not be surprised if both are pullets, but I'm just not sure.

#4hoping 1/2 of these are pullets
Your birds sure are tough ones!
#4 looks more cockerel, #3 more pullet, but I'm not confident with either.
Hi guys lurker here, hoping ya'll can help me.
Tomorrow i'm going to pick up some easter eggers
at my local feed store. From what I understand pea
combs seem to be related to the colorful egg laying gene.
Is that right? If so how do you tell apart combs in chicks
only a few days old?

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