Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Hi I have posted pics someplace on this sight but I can not find them.....OK now that you stopped laughing...I have a couple questions do hen have a little nub on the inside on the leg on golden comets and new hamshire reds? Also do chickens eat water bugs, yes very gross but I live in SC they are everywhere? Please help I can not have a rooster
Yes, females will have spur buds on their legs. Occasionally a hen will even grow out the spurs. I have one that did, and she still lays eggs (and doesn't crow).

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Diffences Between EEs, Ameraucanas, and Araucanas

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What sex do you think these chicks are? I know they are only 6 days old! But I was curious on if anyone has any feedback :) I hope they lay blue/ green eggs. Is there any way to tell?
and here is the other
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Nickypicky- This is an interesting one. Coloring doesn't have me thinking roo, comb either...I know that the last thing you want to hear is this, but it's true...You should know in the next 1-2 weeks. For now the saddle feathers are rounded, but I do notice that it's molting there and I bet the next couple days will have new feathers to show for it. Good luck! Definitely keep us posted. BTW the group shot, far right - STUNNING coloring. the other dark one is nice too but i seriously love the lacing on the first one. *drool*
Iris , 3 weeks . lots of red coming in on the chest, back and tail.She is the most skittish of all the chicks.
It is a bit hard to see but Iris looks differently shaped than my other EE . She is more round and fat looking , almost like her body is shorter. She does have some tiny tail feathers coming in but still looks different . Any ideas why ?
I've been gone a few weeks, busy with the garden. Love all of your new Easter Eggers Pics!

Ok so here is 7 weeks old!

Jimmy 7 weeks old and a Roo. Some characteristics about this one changed recently. Now he kind of acts like an outsider, where as when he was a chick he didn't. Also, he is picking fights with the girls- he gets rowdy and run/flies at them. Some of his good "rooster" qualities are coming out too. He crows (a pathetic, cracky crow) in a consecutive row- until I come outside, to get the girls what they need. For instance if they are out of water or are hot (b/c I left the lamp on)...he will crow until he gets my attention. I think that's a good rooster! Too bad I can't keep him here- no roos allowed. We are finding a home for him this week hopefully. I love his coloring.
Pickles is 7 weeks old- was the bossy one as a chick- has mellowed out dramatically. Her colors change every week though. She makes me nervous with that! Please stay a girl! She has puffy cheeks as of this week and her under body is changing from tan to now a light grey.

Lastly, is Esmeralda
Pickles is 7 weeks old- was the bossy one as a chick- has mellowed out dramatically. Her colors change every week though. She makes me nervous with that! Please stay a girl! She has puffy cheeks as of this week and her under body is changing from tan to now a light grey.
I see Jimmy behind Pickles. Hi Jimmy!

So the coloring on Pickles looks patchy, but to me, it looks like an overall pattern and not just on the wings. Comb doesn't look big at all. I think she's a pullet. If she still looks this way next week, I'd be pretty sure. If the comb starts blooming, then Jimmy has a brother (but I don't think it will). The other two EEs are pullets for sure.
What sex do you think these chicks are? I know they are only 6 days old! But I was curious on if anyone has any feedback
I hope they lay blue/ green eggs. Is there any way to tell? and here is the other
From what I can see, they have pea combs, which is good. Gene for blue shells is very close to the pea gene and they are usually passed on together. Not a guarantee, but good chance that they will lay green eggs. If they're pullets, that is. Won't know that for 4-5 more weeks.

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