Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

The gal that was working helped me pick out these 2 because they were much different than the mass (impulse buy so I knew NOTHING about boyvs.girl). I had the same thing happen with one of the Brahmas I went for, she/he had pasty butt but I figured "Meh at least i know how to deal". I am still happy with how she is turning out, a little like a frankenstien experiment, her head does not match her wings does not match her rest...fingers crossed for a cool egg though.

Our first purchase I knew nothing either about boys/girls. Assumed we would lose a few due to their age and being fragile, didn't really think too much about boys & what to do if we got them. We even ended up with Australorps when out son wanted Barred Rocks. They were labeled wrong and we had no idea. I looked them up this time before we bought any, didn't want to do that to my 9 yr old again. This trip, my husband asked the lady if I could pick then out of the bins myself. She was fine with that. He said something about we we're trying to get girls, her remark was that they were all girls. Not so, we think we have 2-3 boys out of the 13 from our first two purchases there that are now 5-6 wks old. She looked at him in disbelief.

I still think your gal is pretty. Hope she stays a girl :) & gives you nice eggs. You'll have to keep us updated.


This is an EE in our first batch of chicks. S/he is about 4 weeks old. I'm Thinking possible roo. I'm Very new to chicks, but Spider-Man's (named by my two-year-old son, so appropriate name for a girl or boy chicken) tail feathers seem to point straight up to me. Sorry for dark pics. Anyone have any guesses or too early to tell?
I saw this pic up in the recent images and thought someone had posted a painting! Looks like the chick has a halo!

It is too young to sex. Try again in a week or so. If possible, natural light works best and having a helper to hold the little squirmers is good for close ups. Hope Spider-Man's a Spider-Girl.
Can you give us a little more info?  How old are they?  What breeds were they supposed to be?  Where did you get them, breeder/hatchery?

#2 and #6-10 could all be EEs based on the green legs and pea combs (2,6,9).  I agree the last 4 look like pullets so far (although I'm iffy on #9).  The solid colors, #2 and #6 will be harder to tell.  Good pics of combs can help.  Works great if someone can hold them for you, and use natural light.  Flash washes out the details.

#1 and #3-5 could be a lot of things, production red crosses???  I couldn't see any of their combs clearly.
they are about 5 weeks old. They were bought as 4 ameracauna 1 buff orpington 1 wyandotte 2 golden comets and 2 new Hampshire reds. The combs are really small. The wyandotte is the youngest at I think 3. 1/2 weeks and the ameracaunas and the buff orpington maybe a week or two older. I got them at tractor supply stores and they couldn't give me exact hatch dates. I was told by someone from the UK that my white one which was supposed to be my buff orpington is an easter egger. This is why i am asking for help. I live where i can have only hens and i picked the ones i wanted for the personality and appearence as well as egg color so i am hoping these are going to go well together as i do have a smaller yard and do not want them picking on eachother. I hope this helps. Please ask if you need more info on these little sweety and Thank you
ok, so to agree with another opinion, I think this is the one that you THOUGHT you were getting a Buff Orpington....definitely not a B.O. ....Some of these Easter Egger experts may be able to help with the sex in the next couple weeks. For to get some reliable guesses you want a picture of their comb close up, try to do it out in natural light with no flash, a picture of them standing flat on the ground taken as close to ground level as you can get from the side .
Really though it can be guessed at a bit early sometimes, 6 weeks is about the earliest for good guesses with a lot of the pieces of the puzzle evident (comb size and color compared with size of bird, girth of legs, stance, tail feathering, etc.
edited to add 2nd paragraph.
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1 Gold Comet
2 Easter Egger
3 New hampshire
4 Gold Comet
5 New Hampshire
6 Wyandotte
7-10 Easter Eggers
they are about 5 weeks old. They were bought as 4 ameracauna 1 buff orpington 1 wyandotte 2 golden comets and 2 new Hampshire reds. The combs are really small. The wyandotte is the youngest at I think 3. 1/2 weeks and the ameracaunas and the buff orpington maybe a week or two older. I got them at tractor supply stores and they couldn't give me exact hatch dates. I was told by someone from the UK that my white one which was supposed to be my buff orpington is an easter egger. This is why i am asking for help. I live where i can have only hens and i picked the ones i wanted for the personality and appearence as well as egg color so i am hoping these are going to go well together as i do have a smaller yard and do not want them picking on eachother. I hope this helps. Please ask if you need more info on these little sweety and Thank you
No buff orpington. A buff orpington chick would be a yellow chick with pink feet. White Easter Eggers look a lot like buff Orpingtons as chicks but have green legs and the bottoms of their feet are usually yellow. It would very unlikely that TS would have true Ameraucana.
So far, they all look like pullets.
I agree with junebuggena on the breeds. All that white on the comets threw me because I've only seen gold bodies with white necklaces, but I searched and they can definitely have more white. No buff orp, and what I thought might be a black EE is probably your silver laced Wyandotte. Hatchery birds do not always have the best lacing, so when the white starts coming in you will know for sure. Wyandottes have rose combs, which are similar to the EE pea combs. Even without the orp, I think you got a good mix. There can be mistakes at even the best places. My Delaware chick turned into a crazy white Leghorn! Brooder mix up!
1 Gold Comet
2 Easter Egger
3 New hampshire
4 Gold Comet
5 New Hampshire
6 Wyandotte
7-10 Easter Eggers
No buff orpington. A buff orpington chick would be a yellow chick with pink feet. White Easter Eggers look a lot like buff Orpingtons as chicks but have green legs and the bottoms of their feet are usually yellow. It would very unlikely that TS would have true Ameraucana.
So far, they all look like pullets.
thank you do you have any idea as to what the fluffy black chick is she was supposed to be a silver laced wyandotte. Thanks
I agree with junebuggena on the breeds.  All that white on the comets threw me because I've only seen gold bodies with white necklaces, but I searched and they can definitely have more white.  No buff orp, and what I thought might be a black EE is probably your silver laced Wyandotte.  Hatchery birds do not always have the best lacing, so when the white starts coming in you will know for sure.  Wyandottes have rose combs, which are similar to the EE pea combs.  Even without the orp, I think you got a good mix.  There can be mistakes at even the best places.  My Delaware chick turned into a crazy white Leghorn!  Brooder mix up!  :)

thank you do you have any idea as to what the fluffy black chick is she was supposed to be a silver laced wyandotte. Thanks
ok well time will tel I think I am very lucky to have pullets. Thanks again I am excited to see what they will all look like. I keep hearing about the ts having good markings and then of course the roo or pullet saga. If you do not get them from a ts who gets them from online. Where can I get my chicks. I love the markings of a wyandotte, silver laced and now I may not have one or she may not have the proper lacing? I will love her no matter what but it would be nice if these chicks would look like what we wanted. Thanks

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