Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Cool. I was hoping for a boy. The were sold as all girls.

This is my almost 8 week ee posted her when she was about 5 weeks everyone guessed pullet but I still question her anyone else??
Are there clear cut pictures on this thread of the three bump / one bump male/female thing? Also, is this purely an EE trait, or can other breeds be sexed like this?
There are pictures in this thread. Remember that it doesn't always work, though. Some males have single rows, some females have 3 rows. It is a usually sort of rule. Maybe 90% or more, but not always.

I can't answer about other breeds. Are there other breeds with pea combs? Try googling pea comb. There are tons of pictures out there.

I got my first EE egg today but it is really small for the size of the chicken. I put it next to a SLW egg. Is it because it's the first egg and they might get bigger? My silkie eggs are that same size.
This is the chicken that layed it.

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