Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

It's been interesting to see how different they've turned out -- especially since the kids' favorite started out as this little black ball of fluff, that they named "Fuzzball", and has since turned into this thin, multi colored, chicken who we joke is trying to pass as a hawk (when it looks right at you, its face is just so different than the other chickens!) :)


Here are some better face pics of the chick in question. Now, does anyone have any guesses?
Will this boy carry blue egg gene

Maybe. The only way to know for sure is to hatch some chicks, and find out what the girls lay. If he's hatchery sourced, he could have both a blue egg gene and a brown or white egg gene. If you breed him to a white layer, the possibilities are white eggs, blue eggs, or tan eggs. If bred to a brown layer, the possibilities are brown or green. If bred to another Easter Egger, the possibilities are white, brown, cream, blue, or green.
7 weeks old...still trying to figure this one out. the coloring has me confused and i'm not sure by looking at the combs. only three hatched out of this clutch and one is totally a roo...beautiful colors and big comb and giant feet. these two confuse me though. small combs, small feet but their coloring is confusing me and i'm just not sure!

see how small this one is compared to the rooster that hatched with it? to the left of the picture

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The top one is a rooster, just maybe slower to mature. I think the bottom one is a pullet, but it does have a very pink comb for 7 weeks.

it doesn't have any neck feather or saddle feathers. are you just going by color? its feet are very small and it looks like a single pea comb (i think anyway)

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