Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I am new to this forum, and new to EEs. We purchased 6 EE chicks who are now 5 1/2 weeks old. I am interested in finding out if they are all females. There is one in particular that I am questioning. 5 of the chicks have a single comb that is quite small and are pale yellow/white, in color. The 6th chick has a comb that seems to have the three bumps and is quite pink. I am posting a pic below to see what you all think. Thanks!!

I can try to get more pictures if needed.
It's a boy.








These are my boys!! The one with the darker neck is atlas, and the other one is Prince Charming! We have 7 chickens out there and I can not tell if my last red is a roo. I know one is because he was crowing at me the other day. And this one here... She's my pride and joy. I here that her coloring is rare for a female. Her name is Snow White!!


This is the red I'm not sure of!

Sparkle and Pickle look like boys to me. But is that bottom a close up of Sparkle? If so then pullet.

Thank you for responding.
Yes the very bottom two pictures are sparkle. Each has two pictures.
I was pretty sure pickle was a boy when I picked him at 1 day old, but then I read EE Roos are lighter and he is the darkest so I got confused.

Oh good, so you were already aware that it was not an EE, and not going to lay blue. She is female, so that's good news. Eggs are eggs. :highfive:

Haha yes! That's good news then out of 7 I have two hens!! Lol we are currently building them a bachelors pad to get them out so we have no problems when they start to lay eggs!! And I agree an egg is an egg!!

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