Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Oh, I didn't know about the staples!? That was just for mom and chicks, they will go into the big coop soon. Hope they are safe for another day or so and then I'll have someone move them for me. The worst problem I've had are mice, that's the reason for the 19g wire on the floor of the cage.
As far as the chicks go, yes I was thinking the red colored feathers might mean cockerel?? They are 3+ weeks old and the one in question looks like it might have a combo straight/pea comb. The color is peachy colored right now. It has a different mom from the other chick. I'll have one of the boys bring them out for me so I can get close up pics. Thanks for the help!!

Is there room in the coop for the brooder? If so just move it in, they integrate best if they are raised in sight of the other chickens. And the younger they are, the less likely they are to be seen as a threat. If my single experience is "normal", your hen won't let the other chickens get anywhere near her chicks.

My 2015 chicks were raised by my big BA in the coop in a sectioned off part. At 2 weeks, she moved them to a nestbox 2 feet off the ground with an access perch at 18". Guess she got tired of waiting for me to let her out every morning. After that I made a chick passage size opening in the side of the brooder area so they kids could get to their food and water but the older girls couldn't get in. They all moved themselves over a period of a few nights to the 4' high roosts with the older girls at about 4 weeks of age. You can only fit so much chicken in a nest box!


5 week old Bantam "Ameraucana"chicks. Any thoughts? Thanks.
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​Hello from Florence County!!! What kind of chickens do you have? I grew up with all sorts, but I've been raising my first personal flock since March. They're Easter Eggers, Olive Eggers, and 4 true Ameraucanas. Also, I just got 5 more EE, 6 polish and 6 leghorns. Between my family and friends I think that I'll have enough eggs to go around LOL
I live in Pawleys Island. I have 4 Easter eggers, a silver laced Wyandotte , a golden comet and 2 New Hampshire reds, all hens. The neighbors get eggs all the time. Lol

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