Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I'm back! OK so I don't have the pics right now but I will do a brief description, I have 2 mallards, 1 month and 2 week's old, and obviously one is male male and the other is fem, one has dark brown furry chest with white speaks, and a brownish face, the other face stayed pretty much light and the chest is white/yellowish color, who's the lady?
I'm back! OK so I don't have the pics right now but I will do a brief description, I have 2 mallards, 1 month and 2 week's old, and obviously one is male male and the other is fem, one has dark brown furry chest with white speaks, and a brownish face, the other face stayed pretty much light and the chest is white/yellowish color, who's the lady?

Mallards are ducks. They might lay blue eggs but they're not EEs!

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