Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I am new to this thread. But I have been reading it for about 2 weeks. It took me that long to read this very
long thread and it has been very helpful and insightful.

I got two EE's that were sexed. I suspect that one is a roo. I was wondering what all of you thought.
They were born on 8/4/2011 and that makes them 5 weeks old in these pictures taken today, 9/8/2011.
Names are Hoho and Twinkie. Hoho seemed to show some boyish tendencies around 3 weeks. The comb
turned into a triple row (which I know is not 100% a boy) but the comb turning red is my biggest concern.
She/he has no red/brown feathers on the shoulder. She/he also seems slimmer than Twinkie. She/he does
not seem to have a rooish stance but I am not expert so maybe she/he does and I don't know it. Both
chickens are squirmish when I pick them up.

Here are the pictures of Hoho




Here is Twinkie



Their tails are also very different


Both of them



Boy or girl?
Hoho is a boy. You can tell by the comb being bigger and redder, and by the way his colors are coming in all patchy. Girls have a more even pattern on them and don't have those big patches of color on the wings and back.
this is Beast...he was supposed to be a pullet, but I noticed quite early he was a little "different" than my others. His comb is much redder, and tail much pointier, and really walks around like he own's the joint! these pictures were taken when he was around 7 weeks. I will try to get some more recent ones. Now his tail is much longer with pretty green tinted feathers.


You can really see his tail in this one (at about the 10 o'clock position)
LOL.. my 6 year old just pointed at the pics of both of them and said "I can tell which one is a boy".. pointed at Hoho and said "That one.. because his tail is much pointier"

I'm glad she's learning too..
When I finally have to put Hoho on craigslist b/c we can't keep roos here, should I also give away Twinkie with him?
I love to keep Twinkie but I am thinking it is best to keep them together or does it not matter. Right now, when they
are separated, they beep for each other. I also have mature hens, a bit over a year old. I have to integrate them.
So far, the two stick together and the two big ones ignore them. Plus the run is quite large at about 180sq ft and places
to hide. I bring the little ones at night. If I keep Twinkie, will it be that much harder to integrate since there is 1 of her
and 2 of them. What should my strategy be here?
here are some of my new EE's they are not up to weight yet. when I got them they had mites and lice.. got that all cleared up ..im not sure if they've been wormed.. the lady i bought them from .. well I wont buy from her again.. she knew I was needing pullets. and took advantage of my lack of knowledge but I am learning so much in my first year of chickens. I wont be taken advantage of again.. but I'm glad I have them, at least I know that they will get healthy and happy. I dont know what in the world Im gonna do with all these roos.. but something will work out..

I don't know what color to call Darcy. ( I know its a girly name but it fits him? ) I was told when I bought them that they were girls.. well now I know better for future.. .. what color is Darcy?


Darcy and Maximus together

this is Maximus..


this is Earl he is small and he is a hoot.. what a personality he has


this is Rita.. she is camera shy..

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