Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Can someone help me sex this baby. I know the Splash and the blue EE in the pics are boys it is the other little one in question. Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!! Please let it be a ........!!!!

Sorry it is really pic heavy. I had a really hard time getting a good pic, they weren't so happy about pic time. I sure hope these pics are good enough.
Oh yea, one more thing the other guys in the pic are about 2 weeks older. ( I think) So you can't really judge by size.








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GardeNerd - please tell me my 5 week old is what yours looked like at 5 weeks! Or, you experts please tell me what sex it is!
It's an EE but it's MUCH larger than its siblings and VERY bossy. VERY bossy.
We call it Turkey because it's as big as a turkey hatchling.
ALso, if anyone can tell me what the EE color is, that would be loverly! (It looks greyish/lavendar with the red splashes)

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With the red in those wings, I'd say it's definitely male.

I don't think there's a name for most EE coloring - they're mutts by default, so each is unique (though some colors are more common than others).
Can see its comb in that pic but, if I had to guess I would say because of the red in its wings and placement of the red that it is a boy.

Hey Blaze Jester, do you know what my little baby is???

With the red in those wings, I'd say it's definitely male.

I don't think there's a name for most EE coloring - they're mutts by default, so each is unique (though some colors are more common than others).
How old is it?

It looks like a girl to me at this point. Keep an eye out for dark red coming in on those shoulders. My two araucana boys are feathering slowly (now 8 weeks and the slowpoke still only has half his feathers) but have very obvious mahogany-colored feathers on the wing bows, between the shoulder blades and on their heads now. Also keep an eye on the comb - it looks pretty raised to me, though not colored. You'll want to watch out for the comb growing and darkening significantly in the next couple weeks.

Good luck! Fingers are crossed for ya!
Dandydoodle, I'm voting male on yours. The comb looks exactly like my EE cockerel's did right before it pinked up. I hope I'm wrong.

Twiggers96, the red wing bows are a dead giveaway -- that's a cockerel.
I think it is about 2 months old. The other two are about two weeks older then it but, I have been comparing the combs over the past week and a half though and the comb really doesn't look like the other two boys. The two others combs are wider and you can see the three lines of bumps I can't see that on this one.

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