Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*


I can't help but I love him I like hinm to mate with my EE God the babies would be out standing, Don't anyone wished there was shows for this sort of chicken they are so beautiful it is a shame they don't be seen in the show world. But then again it would be hard to say who was the best because all in my view are.

OH I think he looks like a EAGLE.

Thought I would update so that maybe this can help others. The blue baby and the splash baby have started trying to roo. So they are both boys. The creamish colored one hasn't tried to roo yet. It is 2 weeks younger though. I am still not sure if it is a boy or a girl. Some red feathers on its back and wings make me think boy and you can see three rows on the comb. The comb doesn't have any color those like the other two babies. It seems it is going to be a smaller bird, the others are growing at a much faster rate. Its personalities also seems very girlish. So who knows I will keep my fingers crossed and update. I will try to post more pics of that one some time this week so people can see how it is changing.

Okay I thought I would post a pic of all 3 of my EE babies to see what ya'll think.






So can ya'll tell me what my little blue, Splash and multicolored EE are boys or girls?
Thought I would add pics of my third little chickie, so everyone can see the changes going on in the feathering. Please, feel free to give me your guesses on his or her sex. His or her two flock mates after started practicing rooing. This one has not but, is a week and a half to two weeks younger then the others. I am really not seeing any red in its comb. What do you think???

You think so??? I was having a really hard time taking good pics, they were scared of the camera. I have never noticed that it has thick legs. MIght just be bad picture taking.

Anyone else??
Thought I would add pics of my third little chickie, so everyone can see the changes going on in the feathering. Please, feel free to give me your guesses on his or her sex. His or her two flock mates after started practicing rooing. This one has not but, is a week and a half to two weeks younger then the others. I am really not seeing any red in its comb. What do you think???


The redder feathers have me thinking boy. Mine that are brighter red have all turned out to be boys anyway.
How about this one? It might be a cross, but I am not sure if this is from my EE X eggs or my shipped eggs - it seems to have a bit of a poof on its head but I have nothing that would have done that. :p

Color could be boyish due to the coloration on the shoulders? Can't tell on the comb yet, right now it's pretty nonexistent. 4 weeks old. These are going out today so wanted to try and figure out the gender before they go.

How about this one? It might be a cross, but I am not sure if this is from my EE X eggs or my shipped eggs - it seems to have a bit of a poof on its head but I have nothing that would have done that. :p

Color could be boyish due to the coloration on the shoulders? Can't tell on the comb yet, right now it's pretty nonexistent. 4 weeks old. These are going out today so wanted to try and figure out the gender before they go.

Coloring says girl on that one to me :)

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