Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I have 4 EE babies right now... took my best guess when I bought them and I had a 50% error rate. LOL The girls are coming in gold, the boys are getting a lot of white. Showing some pretty colors... but at 3 weeks... gosh they're boys for sure! The way they play "king of the mountain" with their momma is a clue too. I should get pictures now while they're still young, to show you guys early signs between genders. They're chests are coming in white. That's no good!

The rest of the chicks I bought, just one mistake on a naked neck chick. I'll sell them as a Trio or a pair to increase the odds of someone taking them.. but I can't pair out the EEs or else I'll never have something that lays green eggs!
Sorry he turned out to be a roo, but he is one of the prettiest black and whites I've seen! I have two and they don't look like anything special to me. My experience though is that sometimes the ugliest chicks make the prettiest roos!
I know, he is gorgeous. He is gigantic even next to his roo friend. He is very nice right now, too. He almost looks Brahma patterned, which is the one bird I wanted this season and didn't end up getting. We love him but wish he was a girl still...lol.. he doesn't look like any of the EE's I have seen on here...he's a weirdo...

He's got a giant head (with little
comb) and now it even looks bigger as he is getting a full beard....he is so stinking cute!!! LOL
I'm so sorry losobug :(

We are sending off a bunch of roo's to a new home on Monday, but Frankie is here to stay until s/he causes trouble! :D

Does anyone look at their wings stretched out early (from just a week old) & know the sex from the differing lengths of the feathers? I think I was told the longer on the ends is a girl & even lengths is a boy? IDK.
Oh EE sexing gods and goddesses, I have a bird in question. He/she came from a batch of sexed pullets from my farmers elevator. I have seen the tail feathers have a green sheen and are longer and curly. This baby has always been more needy. Since he/she was a baby, he/she would dive under me when startled. Also, when cuddled, he/she closes his/her eyes and relaxes. about 3 months old. The amount of redness in the comb is the same as his/her sisters. Thank you thank you thank you for helping me!
Pullet. :)

No deep red shoulders, small comb, just pink. I can't see the saddle feathers very good but at 3 months you'd be able to tell by the comb and shoulders.
That tail looks like a roo, but everything else looks pullet. Tough call. EE's can be really hard, I had one blue one for 4 whole months before I knew what it was, and I still didn't figure it out until he crowed haha!
Pullet. :)

No deep red shoulders, small comb, just pink. I can't see the saddle feathers very good but at 3 months you'd be able to tell by the comb and shoulders.

Interesting. So the little curl in some of the tail feathers doesn't really mean anything at this early age? I ask because I have an ameraucana that was vent sexed as a girl. Looks girlie but has a slight curve on some tail feathers, tho the carriage is low. :)

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