Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I've got three EE or Ameraucanas, as they were sold to me. I'm not worried if they are EEs, I really like them. I have a black, brown and a white. I thought they were all pullets but now I'm having doubts. Particularly about the white one, Pecky.

Here are some photos, maybe someone will have an idea. All friendly, all eat bugs from my hand and all like to be pet and held for the most part. None act like roosters.

Claire- "are you done yet?" I think she's had enough photos...

Any thoughts?
Assuming those are all close to laying age, they all look like ladies to me. ;)
They look like pullets to me. How old are they? The brown on Pecky (love the name!) is more of a wash of color. Cockerels tend to get dark red splotches, on the upper part of the wing particularly. Claire is a pullet color and Priscilla also, but the black and white ones fool me more than any. Priscilla's comb looks like a pullet's, however.

They are definitely EEs. The Ameraucana breed standard only allows eight colors, and your 3 do not meet that standard, so..... you belong to a privileged group who get the honor of owning wonderful Easter Eggers! Congratulations!!!
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I've got three EE or Ameraucanas, as they were sold to me. I'm not worried if they are EEs, I really like them. I have a black, brown and a white. I thought they were all pullets but now I'm having doubts. Particularly about the white one, Pecky.

Here are some photos, maybe someone will have an idea. All friendly, all eat bugs from my hand and all like to be pet and held for the most part. None act like roosters.

Pecky, see that hint of brown? Is that something I should be worrying about :0
Any thoughts?

She looks alot like my pullet who also has splashings of brown all over. Mine has no muffs though.
Yes, They are about 12 weeks old, possibly 13. I got them the first week of June at a few days old, at most. I think they were born and shipped within a day or so, some appeared to be a day or so older than others, so I'm approximating. I thought I put that in there, sorry.

Pecky came out of the box pecking and the name just stuck. My husband wouldn't let me change it and it does suit her. She's really docile amd only pecks my plants, but hey, that's what they do, right?

Flower- definitely similar. That makes me feel much better. Pecky is my hubby's favorite. She loves him and jumps up on his shoulders or arms whenever she gets the chance. It's pretty cute, I'd hate to have to make choices on that one.

I'm happy to hear that they are likely pullets. The combs seem small but they had enough red to give me pause. About the EE thing, yeah, I figured they weren't Ameraucana, I just wanted EEs anyway, they are so sweet.

My others are FBCM and they do have the feathered feet. Pretty but I like the EEs better for personality and markings, honestly. I think my mutts are lovely! What a mommy, eh? My favorite one is a boy I think :(

I'm still hoping for pretty blue or green eggs, but I think we have a few months yet. It seems like the EEs don't get going until 4 or 5 months, at least. I'm hoping for good ones since I keep them organic and they destroy my organic garden grazing and eating hordes of bugs. I keep my grass organic also, they love to eat it. I'm hoping they are happy chickens, they get to free range at least a few hours a day, sometimes the whole day. They sit in there run all lined up and peep until I let them out. It's pretty fun to watch. I have to admit, the chicken TV is pretty good. I did not realize how great it would be, especially with my 17 month old son. He lets them out and says "hi chikkins" over and over :D

I'm still waiting for the errant crowing, especially on the Marans- i'll believe they are definitely pullets when the eggs come out :p

@lizm1221 my EE pullet looks a lot like yours. I sold her to a guy for his little girl and I wish I had kept her now. She was a real quiet sweet girl.
Hi! I've got these 10 birds sold to me as Ameraucanas (of course) although after further reading I suspect they are EEs (they don't seem to match any of the standard colors http://ameraucana.org/scrapbook.html). They hatched on or about May 13, 2012 and I took the pictures today putting them at 16 weeks old. I'm pretty sure I have 5 cockerels and 5 pullets. No eggs yet (min 4 months, right, but often more like 6 months?). I also have Barred Rocks.. 6 cockerels and 3 pullets. Being boy heavy I'm going to cut back on them (and keep all the girls for laying).
Anyway, I'm thinking to keep 2 cocks as I'd like to hatch some chicks sometime (next spring probably). Finally, to my question: which 2 of the 5 boys to keep?

Here are the pics of the girls.

2 like this:

One of these:

And these two ladies make 5.

Here are the boys. I want to keep 2 (I think).

I am leaning towards keeping this one:

(this one is similar but less gold)

And I am thinking this one:

(another pic of the same bird.. I like the little wing feather that stick out)

Obviously I am a bit new to this but all birds are healthy and I don't have any idea how else to choose besides appearance. As mentioned, they are about 15 weeks old. I bought them from an old farmer as day olds and he is getting out of chickens so this may be the end of these bloodlines. If I have anything particularly rare (or even something that looks like it might meet ameraucana standards) I would keep those. Otherwise, I just want roosters that will produce interesting/pretty offspring with the females I have.

Soooo... pick 2 roosters. Go! :)
Hi! I've got these 10 birds sold to me as Ameraucanas (of course) although after further reading I suspect they are EEs (they don't seem to match any of the standard colors http://ameraucana.org/scrapbook.html). They hatched on or about May 13, 2012 and I took the pictures today putting them at 16 weeks old. I'm pretty sure I have 5 cockerels and 5 pullets. No eggs yet (min 4 months, right, but often more like 6 months?). I also have Barred Rocks.. 6 cockerels and 3 pullets. Being boy heavy I'm going to cut back on them (and keep all the girls for laying).
Anyway, I'm thinking to keep 2 cocks as I'd like to hatch some chicks sometime (next spring probably). Finally, to my question: which 2 of the 5 boys to keep?

Here are the pics of the girls.

2 like this:

One of these:

And these two ladies make 5.

Here are the boys. I want to keep 2 (I think).

I am leaning towards keeping this one:

(this one is similar but less gold)

And I am thinking this one:

(another pic of the same bird.. I like the little wing feather that stick out)

Obviously I am a bit new to this but all birds are healthy and I don't have any idea how else to choose besides appearance. As mentioned, they are about 15 weeks old. I bought them from an old farmer as day olds and he is getting out of chickens so this may be the end of these bloodlines. If I have anything particularly rare (or even something that looks like it might meet ameraucana standards) I would keep those. Otherwise, I just want roosters that will produce interesting/pretty offspring with the females I have.

Soooo... pick 2 roosters. Go! :)
I like the same 2 you like, the black with silver/gold and the white with columbian type markings, both are very pretty and would make nice babies.

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