Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Tons o' pics! I have 18 babies, two that pure white Ameraucana, the rest are Easter Eggers. The 16 were sold to me as Ameraucana eggs but it's obvious they are not. The two pure white I got from someone on here and they meet the breed standard so I am pretty sure they are pure. All the EE's were hatched on August 31st, the two Ameraucanas were hatched on Sept 6th.

Can someone tell me what these chickens will look like when they are older? I'm trying to decide who to keep and who needs to be re-homed. I'd like to see pics of what my chicks might look like as adults.

The white chick in the middle is my female pure white Ameraucana. The two darker birds on each side are what I'm wondering what they will be.

Another pic of the three that are dark colored. I think two are male and one female.

The darker EEs (brown partridge type) are a classic pullet color. They will often look the same when they get older, but can also become very pretty after the first molt.
This is my EE, Monkey.

She has pretty black iridescent neck and tail feathers,

Here's what Monkey looked like at 6 weeks. Kind of plain.

One of your non-blue roos may end up like this 13 week cockerel.

This is my wheaten Ameraucana to compare with yours. Her color is getting lighter as she gets older. Pics taken same day.

Hope the pics help you make your decisions.
Any guesses on this chick, my favourite? 3 weeks old, I know it's early but I'm dying to know! It's the tamest of all 29, the most beautiful colouring, and I'll be heartbroken if I have to give it away
I have a pullet that looked identical to yours at that age.
Here she is fully feathered :) Definitely a girl. She is 13 weeks old now, but was about 8 weeks in this picture. Here she when I got her. I assumed she was a girl instantly by the patterns and her comb size.
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Aww, what beautiful chickens! This going to be hard and I know I'm going to wind up keeping all of the female lol. This is how my current flock that was supposed to have four chickens turned into 38 chickens (and counting!)
Squeal!!! So beautiful!!!!! :)

I have a pullet that looked identical to yours at that age.

Here she is fully feathered
Definitely a girl. She is 13 weeks old now, but was about 8 weeks in this picture.
Here she when I got her. I assumed she was a girl instantly by the patterns and her comb size.
Quote: Some of mine have names, but that is because they are going to stick around for a while. I can only think of one with a name.... Erik.... Erik the RED. Some have gotten names to remind me they are going to the chopping block.... names that can not be typed here
Some of mine have names, but that is because they are going to stick around for a while.  I can only think of one with a name.... Erik.... Erik the RED.  Some have gotten names to remind me they are going to the chopping block.... names that can not be typed here :lau

I never name them until I know their purpose. She will stick around in my EE pen. The boys don't get named unless they are staying for breeding. Though a friend named a few roosters and they were just sent to the chopping block :oops:

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