Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I see lots of pullets...

Really!! That would definitely make my day :)
Darn. That's what I was afraid of. All four of my chicks have turned out to be cockerels! I sent the pictures to the lady I got them from today and she said she thought that these two could end up being hens. I was skeptical but I thought I would get some input here. Thanks!

This is one of my Ideal Poultry EEs, at 20 weeks:

And the other at 18 weeks:

I can't say that my Ideal Poultry EEs (that they SWEAR are Ameraucana because the EE breed does not exist) are necessarily representative of the "average" EE but I think any bird with a comb as big as that at 13 weeks is likely male.

I am afraid to say that I don't think the lady you bought from knows a cockerel from her elbow.

I am SO sorry. I sweated until I found that all my girls WERE girls. The one I was last worried about was an Ancona and she laid her first egg either yesterday or today.

Just to give you an idea of the other ones I have to sex. I have 4 or 5 that are white with red lacing on the wings. I have NO idea what they are!!! All of my EE were Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas- so I'm assuming Blue Wheaten Ameraucana hen crossed with the different Wyandottes she has? You can see the white with the lacing below

My VERY limited experience with 12 chickens (received June 14th) two of which are EEs says it is hard to tell anything by color early because they change so much!

The second brown one up from the bottom at a few days old. I'm not even sure which of the other 3 chipmunks is the other EE and which are Partridge Chanteclers without seeing the green legs.

turned into this at 3 weeks (the one in the back)

And this at 4 weeks

and the picture in my last post at 20 weeks.

But in no case did either EE show any comb early.

This is one of my Ideal Poultry EEs, at 20 weeks:

And the other at 18 weeks:

I can't say that my Ideal Poultry EEs (that they SWEAR are Ameraucana because the EE breed does not exist) are necessarily representative of the "average" EE but I think any bird with a comb as big as that at 13 weeks is likely male.

I am afraid to say that I don't think the lady you bought from knows a cockerel from her elbow.

I am SO sorry. I sweated until I found that all my girls WERE girls. The one I was last worried about was an Ancona and she laid her first egg either yesterday or today.

I am afraid that you are right Bruce. Thanks for your input. Disappointing but I appreciate it.
My Guess's and I say guess, because Ee's are notoriously hard to sex, and the colors change so much as they grow and molt out baby feathers until 16 weeks they almost impossible but here goes
1 Hen
2 cockeral
3 hen
4 hen
5 Roo
any that look like the last picture with the patchy red in the head wings or chest are most likely roosters, any with a good color darker neck , and more even pattering, like the darker neck and lighter body are most likely female..........Kim
Question: What do you do for a chick with a cold? One has a runny nose and watery eyes. Other than that, she eats well and runs around outside playing with the others. Thanks for any suggestions.
OK! These guys are almost 8 weeks now, and 28 chickens are eating me out of house and home! Time to start figuring out the pullets so they can go to their homes, and then rehoming the roos. I'm actually frightened I have 21 roos. Say it isn't so! Since I have 14 EE's I'm going to try and post a few at a time to get consensus and so that we don't get them all mixed up!

Here is the first batch:

#1 Little One - our super slow grower that almost didn't make it past the first week. The only one that is this colour, and my daughter's favourite.

#1 pullet (but that's a cockerel walking in front of her)

#2 Mabel - The absolute tamest one of the bunch. My favourite, and I'm pretty darn sure is now growing the comb and colour pattern of a roo. Which makes me sad, but I do have a home lined up if that's the case

#2 cockerel, prominent comb and some patchy coloring AND he's the tamest and your favorite

#3 One of my new favourites. No name yet, but unique and really friendly. I think it's a pullet

#3 looks like a pullet. Small, pale comb. Very pretty.

#4 - Started out as a chipmunk chick. I think this is the same bird, there are 2 that are alike. I'm leaning toward pullet(s) because of the more even colour distribution

#4 I agree, pullet. Comb looks small. (cockerel to the right?)

#5 And the other really unique colour pattern - Same thing, there are 2 of them that are alike. First 2 are the same bird - has a more grey head. Last ones are the same bird, more red on the head. Leaning towards roo because of the splotchy red on the wings

These two are tough. On both, patchy coloring extends beyond the wing and looks like an overall pattern, so maybe a chance to be pullets? I would have a better guess if I could see the combs up close.

Just to give you an idea of the other ones I have to sex. I have 4 or 5 that are white with red lacing on the wings. I have NO idea what they are!!! All of my EE were Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas- so I'm assuming Blue Wheaten Ameraucana hen crossed with the different Wyandottes she has? You can see the white with the lacing below

This last pic looks like a cockerel.

I'm hoping that they all aren't roos because I already have 2 out of 4 Lavender Orp roos, 4 out of 5 Black Copper Maran roos and I have NO idea how to sex the Wyandottes!!

You have a very nice looking bunch there!
Compare their combs to see if that helps. Mine were really obvious by 8 weeks, but if yours are crossed with Wyandottes (notoriously hard to sex), that could make it harder.
Good luck! Fingers crossed for girls!

This shows a pale pullet comb at around 8 weeks.

Here is a same age cockerel. Very red comb.

Same cockerel to see how prominent the comb is in profile.

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