Easter Egger


Mar 22, 2015
I am new to this website but I love it already! Where (or what web site) is the best place to buy EEs?
Welcome to BYC -- EE can be easily sourced from just about any feed store and any hatchery -- just look for the birds marked as "Ameraucana/Auracana" - those are, in fact, Easter Eggers being mis-marketed. Only one hatchery (Meyer) that I am aware of sells true Ameraucana and the price is reflective of the fact that they are the real McCoy.
Purely Poultry
Cackle hatchery
McMurray Hatchery
My Pet Chicken

These are all good sites, I hope you find them helpful. Welcome to the BYC hope you like it.
I've ordered Easter Egger chicks from 4 different hatcheries over the years; Murray McMurray, Cackle Hatchery, Dunlap Hatchery, and Ideal Poultry, and have been happy with the birds and service of all four of them. Between these four hatcheries, I would suggest ordering from the one closest to where you live so that the chicks have less distance to have to travel in the mail.
I just got 2 EE pullets at a local (AK) feedstore. Im wondering if thery all are supposed to have the "muffs" or poofy cheeks or is there variation? One of mine has really obvious poofy cheeks but the other one looks normal like the others - no cheeks. The other chicks I got to start my flock are a welsummer and a barnevelder. Thanks in advance!
I just got 2 EE pullets at a local (AK) feedstore. Im wondering if thery all are supposed to have the "muffs" or poofy cheeks or is there variation? One of mine has really obvious poofy cheeks but the other one looks normal like the others - no cheeks. The other chicks I got to start my flock are a welsummer and a barnevelder. Thanks in advance!
Not all EEs have puffy cheeks or beards.

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