easter eggers? pullets? cockerels? HELP?!


7 Years
May 7, 2012
New chicken owner here, I got some baby chicks at a local pet food supply store that got them from a hatchery. I was told they were brahamas but I think two are easter eggers and one maybe a light brahama? So I need help determining breeds and if they are pullets or cockerels. I was told all pullets but two are vibrant colors with longer tail feathers.

Here is one we call Loretta when she was a few days old

Here are the three girls together at a few days old, Loretta, Gretta and Henrietta

Here is Loretta now (the one with black on her (the other two are white cornish crosses):

And here is Henrietta now:

And here are all the girls, the three speckled ones are Gretta (who has nearly no tail feathers), Loretta, and Henrietta, and the tan one in the back is Margret, the tan one on the right is Mabel (Mabel and Margret are Buff Orpingtons) and then the white cornish crosses who are named Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snack ;)

Yes, these are easter eggers. Brahmas have feathered feet. You would get more replies in the section for identifying chicken breeds though, this is the Geese section of the forum.
New chicken owner here, I got some baby chicks at a local pet food supply store that got them from a hatchery. I was told they were brahamas but I think two are easter eggers and one maybe a light brahama? So I need help determining breeds and if they are pullets or cockerels. I was told all pullets but two are vibrant colors with longer tail feathers.

Here is one we call Loretta when she was a few days old

Here are the three girls together at a few days old, Loretta, Gretta and Henrietta

Here is Loretta now (the one with black on her (the other two are white cornish crosses):

And here is Henrietta now:

And here are all the girls, the three speckled ones are Gretta (who has nearly no tail feathers), Loretta, and Henrietta, and the tan one in the back is Margret, the tan one on the right is Mabel (Mabel and Margret are Buff Orpingtons) and then the white cornish crosses who are named Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snack ;)

Loretta needs watching. Black and white EEs are hard to guess the gender on until they are more feathered. Your other two are 100% female.

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