Easter feasts


10 Years
May 9, 2009
With the diversty of people that vist this site, I thought it would be interesting to what everyones Easter Feast/traditions are.

Though the Kids are grown one of them married and no grand children, hidding eggs is out of the question, however the bunny
still brings a basket for them
(my wife said as long as she is alive him and St Nick would still visit, though I dont mind, becasue they leave me baskets and stocking stuffers too,dont judge me lol). We will visit with the oldest and his wife on Saturday so they can vist her family on Sunday, We will eat ham, potato salad, baked beans, rolls, bacon and cheese deviled eggs, and cause oldest son doesnt eat most of that, cheese scalloped potatos and and whatever desert they bring(I havent told anyone yet, I am making homemade ice cream
called 3 6s) and jsut hang out and spend time together.

Sunday will begin with Sun rise services, then Church, then home to eat left overs and nap all day.
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I used to ride with the Cowgirls for Christ and we'd spend Easter morning riding and discussing how God affected our lives during the year. One year we had sunrise service atop a place called Buzzard's Roost. I loved it.

Now the hubby and I spend time with the remaining family, eating lots of meat, gossiping about those who are not within earshot, and generally spend time eating and digesting.
We used to go to my husband's grandad' house for an Easter breakfast. It was a teeny little house with about 50 relatives cooking, talking, having a great time, then on to church. Even though my sons are in their 30's I always get them baskets, hide Easter eggs, & wear bunny ears. They complain, but they love it. Always, church first. I know this is an old thread, but it's almost Easter again!
Haven't planned anything for sure yet. I've got 2 grandkids & 1 gg kid in the 4 to 7 age bracket. Easter dinners are pretty basic. Ham or whatever, since I'm the cook. But for the egg hunt, weather permitting, there will be a large straw stack appear in the yard on Easter morning. All the eggs, candy an treats will find the way there before the kids figure it out. A handful of coins can make it interesting. My preacher brother-in-law, one year, spent all of Easter afternoon picking up all the straw, just to make sure no money was left.
My mom called yesterday and asked if we would be willing to have Easter at our house this year.
We moved in last fall and we had a birthday party for my dad then, at that time I suggested that it would be nice if we had the holidays at our house and give mom and dad a break. Our house is bigger and we have a huge dining room table.
So far it will be - me, DH, Mom, Dad, Younger Sis, her hubby, their 4 kids aged 17, 15, 13, and 11 (the two oldest boys are over 6 feet tall!) Hopefully older sis will make it with her hubby, and their daughter also, maybe with her boyfriend.
So 10, possibly 14 people.

So now I need to come up with a menu.
Ham (of course, that is a no-brainer)
I'll make rolls the day before.
I like german potato salad, but I will make mashed potatoes also - maybe garlic or loaded.
Maybe I can talk my sister into making deviled eggs - hers are the very best.
I need more color - maybe maple glazed carrots, green beans, and/or lettuce salad.
and of course, I always make lemon/lime/orange/strawberry striped Jell-O Eggs!
I think I will make angel food cake, or carrot cake, or white cake with strawberries. No, I'll make poppyseed torte - one of my hubby's family recipes.

Hmmm, better look to see when Easter is, do I have enough time to make everything?

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