Easter Wreath


11 Years
Jan 14, 2009
Lake Waccamaw NC
I made this a few years back. It is very simple to make. you need a straw wreath form, eggs, a ribbon to hang it with and a glue gun. Don' put the eggs on the back side so it will lay flat.

I tried to count them. I think around a hundred or 105 eggs. You would need about 9 bags of 12 egg. I paid $3 for 2 bags of 12 the other day, so that would be around $14. I think I paid about $7 for the wreath, but I got it at a florist. I'm sure you can find it cheaper. All in all it cost about $20-$25 to make. Oh, I started with the out side and worked toward the middle and if they don't fit exactly it won't really matter when your done. I remember getting frustrated when I was making it but when I was finished it looked good. I gave my sister one and she uses it for a center piece for her table and puts a stuffed rabbit in the middle.
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