Eastern Tennessee Thread

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Oh if you want non-fuzzy how about my friend Abbot the Hairless rat? Of course it may be one of those "faces only an owner could love" things...

Now you know where my love of Turkens came from.

I'm excited, I might have a St. Patties day hatch!!! I was kinda eh about it before, but 3-5 days to go!!
Oh if you want non-fuzzy how about my friend Abbot the Hairless rat? Of course it may be one of those "faces only an owner could love" things...

Now you know where my love of Turkens came from.

I'm excited, I might have a St. Patties day hatch!!! I was kinda eh about it before, but 3-5 days to go!!
He is adorable!! I use to raise capped rats and had a couple hairless. Rats are very good pets. They can be litter trained...taught tricks and will snuggle up with you and sleep. One of my favorites use to ride around with me sitting on my shoulder. Contrary to popular belief....rats are as clean as a cat. They groom a great deal...if a rat is nasty it is usually because the owner has not kept their cage clean.
Every year I supplied our local 5th grade class with rats for experiments. You would be surprised at some of the things the students came up with..even a genetic study one year. They use to tickle me on every other Friday was bath day. The rats loved it...the kids would bathe them...blow them dry and used toothbrushes to brush them. hmmm...I really miss my rats.
His brother Costello is a dumbo hairless Nella :D I love my rats, I decided not to get any more since it's so hard on me and the man when they pass and they just never live long enough (I had one live 4.5 years and he was MEAAAN). I was going to breed hairless but I couldn't find clean enough lines that I trusted. I just ended up rescuing/adopting mine when I found ratties in need. Poor little guys end up being cancer factories. Genetically programmed for it, it's just not fair. I still have open cages for rescues if needed though, I always will.
Well, I am in the chicken "business" again, after 30 something years.

Wednesday morning I went to Washington County Farmers Coop and picked up 22 pullet chicks.

I got 6 Rhode Island Reds, 6 Golden Sex Links, 4 Yellow Buff Orpingtons, 4 Barred Rock, and 2 White Leghorns.

My brother in law and I moved an old 5'X3' metal rabbit hutch into the basement that I am using as a brooder.

I put about 2 inches of pine shavings in the bottom of it a feeder, 2 quart waters, and a red heat lamp overhead.

They all are still alive, kicking, and seem pleased as punch with life.

Right now it seems they are eating a 1 1/2 pounds of feed every two days.

I've started on my 8X8 walk in chicken coop this week.

So far I planted 8 foundation post, have the 6X6 seal around the outside, have the 6x6 floor joust installed and have 5/8 sub flooring plywood flooring on top of those.

I used Thompson Water Seal on the plywood so that the rain (and Hail) that we got yesterday wouldn't buckle the plywood.

As I have days off from work, hopefully I can finish it out,

Easter weekend I have to go to Old Fort NC to pick up two packages of Minnesota Hygienic Honey Bees to go along with my 3 hives of Russians.

My strawberry plants that I planted this past fall are growing and I have 45 more plant on the way that I will plant next month.

The things we will do for grand babies.
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Adorable rattie! I wish I had more inside room, I used to raise hairless, rex and blazed in all kinds of colors, but where we are at now there is no way I can find any other animals inside, only outside space here.
Well, I am in the chicken "business" again, after 30 something years.

Wednesday morning I went to Washington County Farmers Coop and picked up 22 pullet chicks.

I got 6 Rhode Island Reds, 6 Golden Sex Links, 4 Yellow Buff Orpingtons, 4 Barred Rock, and 2 White Leghorns.

My brother in law and I moved an old 5'X3' metal rabbit hutch into the basement that I am using as a brooder.

I put about 2 inches of pine shavings in the bottom of it a feeder, 2 quart waters, and a red heat lamp overhead.

They all are still alive, kicking, and seem pleased as punch with life.

Right now it seems they are eating a 1 1/2 pounds of feed every two days.

I've started on my 8X8 walk in chicken coop this week.

So far I planted 8 foundation post, have the 6X6 seal around the outside, have the 6x6 floor joust installed and have 5/8 sub flooring plywood flooring on top of those.

I used Thompson Water Seal on the plywood so that the rain (and Hail) that we got yesterday wouldn't buckle the plywood.

As I have days off from work, hopefully I can finish it out,

Easter weekend I have to go to Old Fort NC to pick up two packages of Minnesota Hygienic Honey Bees to go along with my 3 hives of Russians.

My strawberry plants that I planted this past fall are growing and I have 45 more plant on the way that I will plant next month.

The things we will do for grand babies.

Thats great to hear your back into chickens

Some advice on the sub floor (from a pro painter) seal it again.....then again, lol. Darn water always seems to find a way in.
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