Eastern Tennessee Thread

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I have lost more than a few lately... all in my FRONT (this is important because there are a heck of alot more in the back yard) yard, all in the thick woodline... 6 on one day, one suffered injuries and didn't make it through the night, and two the next day. I think dog. The neighbor has 60 or so dogs and that night of the 6 gone they were exceptionally excited. They are mostly tied up but 1-3 are either set loose or get loose daily.

Anyways, there were a couple piles of feathers... just like when my dogs get ahold of the chickens (though my dogs never bit bloody or killed one... they just play too hard). To me, that is what a PILE of feathers means... seems to me, the way feathers fall (and after losing a couple bantams to birds of prey) you don't get a nice pile... you get a cluster of scattered feathers in one small 2-3ft area.... dogs, there is a pile like you cut open a pillow and dumped it.

I think in my case the neighbor cleaned up the bodies of the chickens. If I can't PROOVE they did it, then I can't send them a bill. If it was a wild thing that ate them, it wouldn't have all happened in only the front yard. Wildlife would come from my back.... where there was 40 other birds free ranging that were not even slightly hurt and none missing.

Anyways, just sharing.

Oh, I got Dels and Australorps hatching right now! LOL!!! YAY!!! (they are for sale too, btw)
of the sixty dogs, your neighbor would by chance have mostly all roughed up pits? maybe he is setting them on your birds.. even if hunting dogs, some of my neighbors think the same thing funny, till i pull a knife and explain i can legally kill their useless untrained dog on the spot, then leave on their front door. for killing livestock. i just got a new throwing knife..
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No, well maybe... who knows... they are mangy mutts of all sorts... retriever mixes and hound mixes. She LITERALLY snares strays and keeps them. A perfect example of a hoarder. Then they inbreed and there is more... but the survival rate of the puppies is very low. I tried to call the law... they don't care. Some places just don't care about animal welfare laws.

I thought the same thing... she is letting the dogs at them on purpose. She and I have had "arguements" over the years and she is the only person I ever met who earned their crazy check. What makes me think she is doing it on purpose is that the timing HAS to be human.... it's only days and times when no one at all is home here. I would think theif if it wasn't for the trail of feathers leading to piles.

BTW... the chicken I found after that storm in town (refer to previous posts) was quickly a pet and it is gone. Taken right off my front porch. Trail goes from the porch to a pile in the dog hoarders yard. I'm VERY upset over the loss of that pullet. She was a pet and was treated special. Ya know?
No, well maybe... who knows... they are mangy mutts of all sorts... retriever mixes and hound mixes. She LITERALLY snares strays and keeps them. A perfect example of a hoarder. Then they inbreed and there is more... but the survival rate of the puppies is very low. I tried to call the law... they don't care. Some places just don't care about animal welfare laws.

I thought the same thing... she is letting the dogs at them on purpose. She and I have had "arguements" over the years and she is the only person I ever met who earned their crazy check. What makes me think she is doing it on purpose is that the timing HAS to be human.... it's only days and times when no one at all is home here. I would think theif if it wasn't for the trail of feathers leading to piles.

BTW... the chicken I found after that storm in town (refer to previous posts) was quickly a pet and it is gone. Taken right off my front porch. Trail goes from the porch to a pile in the dog hoarders yard. I'm VERY upset over the loss of that pullet. She was a pet and was treated special. Ya know?

Time to report this neighbor for having too many dogs. Considering each and every dog by law must be licensed and registered with the county. Not to mention at numbers like that, there is no way, unless a millionaire, he could provide the medical attention to each of them. Simply put, you don't have to prove they killed your chickens, make an annanymous complaint to animal control siting the excessive number of animals he has and the physical address and express a cocern for their health and well being. Make several complaints if you have to. They'll get them out of there for you.
saly mostly no one cares, but they do have to be up to date on rabies at least if not all loose (as many just say if its loose that its not their dog, but if you can get one of the few who actually give a nickel, then they will point out that in this area if you feed it once and it hangs around, its your responsibility, and you can be held liable for any and all etc.
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Well then gimme the address of the dog "owner" and ILL make a complaint. I despise the cruel treatment of animals.
Well then gimme the address of the dog "owner" and ILL make a complaint. I despise the cruel treatment of animals.

good idea and thanks for caring, but reading this my dog just looked at me as if to say: im cruelly treated, you only gave me half your meal today, bathed me yesterday, not letting me run in flea infested field of fun anymore, and dont take me to the ramsey's farm market enough, for me to be spoiled rotten by the owners and staff with treats and affection! im a monster.. i know! and so very ashamed of it too.
or it was a look of love, as i always get those confused.
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Well then gimme the address of the dog "owner" and ILL make a complaint. I despise the cruel treatment of animals.

good idea and thanks for caring, but reading this my dog just looked at me as if to say: im cruelly treated, you only gave me half your meal today, bathed me yesterday, not letting me run in flea infested field of fun anymore, and dont take me to the ramsey's farm market enough, for me to be spoiled rotten by the owners and staff with treats and affection! im a monster.. i know! and so very ashamed of it too.
or it was a look of love, as i always get those confused.

Well then i'll report you as well! Only HALF of your meal? ohhh the horror!!!!!!!!!
good idea and thanks for caring, but reading this my dog just looked at me as if to say: im cruelly treated, you only gave me half your meal today, bathed me yesterday, not letting me run in flea infested field of fun anymore, and dont take me to the ramsey's farm market enough, for me to be spoiled rotten by the owners and staff with treats and affection! im a monster.. i know! and so very ashamed of it too.
or it was a look of love, as i always get those confused.

Well then i'll report you as well! Only HALF of your meal? ohhh the horror!!!!!!!!!

about half maybe more, but not the whole thing.. he was even trying to be his adorable self and help/begg by dusting off stuff he could reach with his fluffier than thow tushy and tail fluff. it was chopped steak, dumplings, and mushroom soup, so guess i really should have given him all of it. oh to add to the cruelty, i scissored the little mats out from right behind his ears, he gets them when he gets bathed or wet, for some reason only then. i could just see my dog running into a door, then taking my wallet down to the cop shop, and dropping it right at a cop's feet, when the cop asks who would abuse such an adorable pup. hahahahahaha
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