Eastern Tennessee Thread

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if anyone comes across a blue banded, black, with brown or red ashing, some feather legging (male), tumbler pigeon, please let me know at least, as it went missing aftef getting away when neighbor children spooked it, and has been mia even with letting my birm and flights out to hopefully bring back to its mate. email/pm please as message thread bord mail not working still on new BYC.
If you are looking for pigeons I suggest you find one of the forum threads here on BYC that are pigeon enthusiast. WE are basically chickens.

If you can stand to wait till Tue, you could join in on the NYD Hatchalong w/ your eggs :)
They have some great prized ect.
Just an idea, either way best good luck w/ those way cool hatching eggs!
Fey Raine
I actually have a ton to set for Tuesday, I just don't want these to get too old because they are so expensive!
Ya right, a month.
By the it will be time to start hatching for spring sales.
A month, ya right.
You ought to take that act on the road, with lines like that you could be a stand up comedian.
see you have me rolling on the floor right now.
Hello on the East side does anyone know where I might find a couple Birchen Marans cockerels or roos. Looking for something with heavy feathering on the shanks and clean silver coloration minus any gold leakage...Thanks...Chad
Anyone live near Bristol that would be interested in free bantam cochins?
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I have been gone for days (maybe a week, I don't know... time is relative) and I'm not even about to try to catch up. lol. I hope ya'll understand. If there was something important I may ask questions when it comes up again because I have no clue what you are talking about... lol

On that note; did I miss anything spectacular?
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