Eastern Tennessee Thread

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I feel for you on so many levels God knows I love my babies.
They are spoiled so badly it really isn't funny but they love unconditionally, giving all they have to you.
They are there when you laugh,
comfort you when you cry or grieve.
The make you smile when you are convinced everything sucks.
They only ask for reasonable food ,occasional treats, some affection every now & then, vaccinations ( well they may not like them but are necessary ). They live in our hearts forever.
My thoughts & prayers go with you during your difficult time.
Alright East TN chicken friends....anyone doing TN Valley Fair this year? Or at least going? i am showing 11 mottled cochins and bringing lots of pullets to sell (large fowl crosses). Looking foward to seeing what is there in the chicken and rabbits both! I am not showing rabbits there.....but will be there a few days to scope it out. Bringing my cute little niece so we can ride rides, pet animals and eat bad food!

I have some really gorgeous younguns for sale. All pullets! Get your winter layers
Thank you so very much ladyride. I totally agree with you. I always feel like I receive so much more than I give. Its been a difficult day. We brought Brea home, but she just won't eat. She hasn't eaten for almost a week, and is weak as a kitten. The problem is that she weights like 95 lbs and she's just too big for us to help her. I've tried her hepatic dried food from the vet, her canidae, an egg, chicken breast, chicken broth with toast, anything I can think of but nothing. Finally I put 3 pieces of her hepatic food down her throat like a pill when I had to give her meds which I hated to do. She is drinking a bit of water, but I'm scared, I can't seem to help her. I guess we're just out of options, which is something I'm going to have to face as difficult as it is. I feel just drained
I'm showing my mini-lop... was going to show a harlequin I have but realized before I sent the papers that shes due on the day of the fair. I don't have any chickens to show, I'm down to 24 chickens
and none of which are showable due to age or unshowability. My friend gave me some eggs to hatch of some show quality eggs so we'll see how that goes... you should have put some rabbits in the show
Hey, I have a question. I live in blount county.I have a friend who lives ib the city of Alcoa, and she wants to raise chikens. She wants to know if there are any groups alreadyworking on getting the law changed. If there are.... can you give me some info who she should contact, and how to contact them? Thank you
Prepare yourselves for another Bob-story...

Bob lost a chick day before yesterday. I have no idea what happened to it, it just vanished. She had been nesting in an empty pen that we were using to store tools and chicken wire and such. It didn't even have a door. The chicks are small enough to walk through the chicken wire on the pens, so there were plenty of places for them to get lost.

For their safety, I spent Saturday rearranging chickens so Bob and chicks could have their own pen. I kept the pop door locked and added a 8" lip around the bottom of the pen to keep the chicks from escaping. Bob stayed in there all day and all evening but when I went out to check on them at nightfall they were right back in their corner of the tool pen hunched on the bare floor since I had moved their nest box. I am assuming that Bob flew out over the rafters and urged the chicks to jump up on the 2x4 the door is made of and slip through.

I was outsmarted by the thing AGAIN. She always humors me long enough to let me think I've won then goes about doing exactly what she wanted to do all along. I wonder if she was secretly laughing at me as I hammered and sweated, getting the pen ready...
I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers during our most difficult time. We had to put our precious Brea down today. She was a wonderful pet for 7 yrs, and we loved her very much.
I'm so sorry Sandra. Try to take comfort in knowing you made the right choice for her. There is no pain at the rainbow bridge. She's there with many of my wonderful babies and many others.
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