Eastern Tennessee Thread

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They don't have game bird starter.
They carry Manna Pro and Dumor game... just ask. Alot of times they keep things that don't fly off the shelf in the back. And if they don't have it in, they order it for you. I order show feed that way..... plus I work there.
BTW about the foxes. I cannot find the website for the life of me, but here is the webmaster's email I got off one of his replies.

[email protected]

They are very happy to help you out... if it is a fox there are alot of things that can be done that don't come down to killing the fox... which I like, because the wild things don't know they are YOUR chickens.

No feathers does sound like human or bird of prey. Could have been multiple things too... one preditor draws in another. They smell the blood or hear the ruckus (though you said there was no ruckus)

Good luck... unfortunatly you may end up losing more before you get enough clues to know what it is/was.
If it is human I may loose more but not to critters! They are on lockdown in their runs unless we are outside with them to free range . Their runs are 9 ft high completely enclosed, with hardware cloth buried 8 inches with a 8 " apron . Or least I hope they are secured at least as much as I could make it . So keep your fingers crossed. But their days of unsupervised free ranging is over. That was the really strange part no ruckus we would have seen or heard something plus the dogs would have alerted to something & with 5 they bark at everything.
It is so good to see you back on here!!! Kudos to your husband and son for taking care of your flock. I asked my husband to man the fort for a week during the summer. When I got back he told me that he checked the small coop EVERY DAY and never got a single egg. I laughed so hard I could hardly sputter out that we probably weren't going to get any since they were all roosters in there. You would have thought that 4 boys engaging in a daily 5:30 am crow-off 30 yards from the house would have clued him in...
Hi all !! I think it is time for me to say good bye to my chickens.... So I have all my chickens for sale and hova bators and egg cartons ect... Just pm me!!!
I'm just doing a check in again. I go today to have my stitches removed...YAY! Everything is going well here with the chickies. I had the babies out in the "playpen" yesterday and they were funny as anything to watch try to figure out wth they were supposed to do! I have 5 and there is 1 little one i'm assuming is the only boy i got out of the hatch. He's >gonna call him ...him for now< got tail feathers already and the other 4 do not! A few of them are starting to get black on the under side of their wings as well. I'm still only getting 1 egg every week or so and it's teeny. I dont know why my red sexlink isnt laying yet, she's over 20 weeks and her face and comb is still pink and not red, shes not sqatting and the boys dont seem interested in her. I just dunno at this point. One of the bunnies went to his new human yesterday, they will both be living with my daughters teacher on his farm. We have 3 kits with the mama bunny which tells me they did the deed right after the last ones were born since they've been seperated since mid July. But the babies seem to be doing quite well this time so we'll see.
I hope everyone else is doing well and enjoying the end of their summer. I'm tired of this heat so bring on the fall!!!! Below is a picture of the babies and the one with tail feathers,sorry it's sideways. The upload center on this site doesnt allow for editing. Have a great holiday weekend!
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