Eastern Tennessee Thread

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I live in Washington County TN, half way between Jonesborough and Johnson City.

My wife and I have 11 acre that we have let go fallow.

I am in the process of planting Northern Varieties of Pecan trees that will produce in this climate.

I am also going to plant Red Oaks and White Oaks.

I have a few hives of honey bees.

I plan on getting chickens this spring.
I live in Washington County TN, half way between Jonesborough and Johnson City.

My wife and I have 11 acre that we have let go fallow.

I am in the process of planting Northern Varieties of Pecan trees that will produce in this climate.

I am also going to plant Red Oaks and White Oaks.

I have a few hives of honey bees.

I plan on getting chickens this spring.


I've been looking in to getting honey bees lately. Seems like an investment that can really pay off after a few years. Did you work with an experienced beekeeper before you got the hives? or did you just jump in?

I've been looking in to getting honey bees lately. Seems like an investment that can really pay off after a few years. Did you work with an experienced beekeeper before you got the hives? or did you just jump in?

I grew up with bees on my home place in Virginia, but before the mite, there was very little management of them.

You put supers on in the spring and then took them off in the late summer.

I had been way from bees for 40 something years, so yes you can say I am a newbie.

I am fortunate that we have a strong beekeepers club here in Washington County, Tennessee.

Through them I got a "mentor" who is a wealth of knowledge and help who will help steer you past the pit falls that has been encountered in the past.

Also read, read, read...

Do your research.

Our beekeeping club has a library that members can freely check out books and videos with out having to going to the expense of purchasing those for themselves.

There are bee forums that have a treasure trove of information.

Paying off? I guess in a few years.

My hives are near road where every one can see them, so they advertise themselves and the neighbors ask to purchase honey.

I mainly started them because there are no feral bees anymore since the on set of the mite.
Thanks for the information. It seems Anderson country also has a beekeeper club. I will have to check that out when they start having meetings again. I'd like to get them for my garden as well,as I noticed very few this past summer. Plus I'm sitting next to acres and acres of quiet woodland so the bees should be able to make some nice sourwood honey.
We do get a run on Sourwood, but the supers are filled with the bloom from Yellow Poplar and Black Locust in East Tennessee.

Black Locust didn't do so well last year because of a storm that blew through and knocked all the bloom off.

It is a dice throw on what they get to work from year to year.
Hey everyone! Just about to start my chicken adventure!
I was thinking of ordering from Murray McMurray, but minimum order is 25
i only wanted about 10 for starting off. Anyone want to split an order??? I am an hour from Knoxville and 1.5 hrs from Chattanooga, in Rhea County. I wouldn't mind traveling to meet up if anyone is interested in splitting :) Thanks!!!!
Murray is kinda expensive for my budget, but hope someone can help ya out!! When are you planning on ordering?

Hey everyone! Just about to start my chicken adventure!
I was thinking of ordering from Murray McMurray, but minimum order is 25
i only wanted about 10 for starting off. Anyone want to split an order??? I am an hour from Knoxville and 1.5 hrs from Chattanooga, in Rhea County. I wouldn't mind traveling to meet up if anyone is interested in splitting :) Thanks!!!!
Hey everyone! Just about to start my chicken adventure!
I was thinking of ordering from Murray McMurray, but minimum order is 25
i only wanted about 10 for starting off. Anyone want to split an order??? I am an hour from Knoxville and 1.5 hrs from Chattanooga, in Rhea County. I wouldn't mind traveling to meet up if anyone is interested in splitting :) Thanks!!!!

the chicken site attached to this site, has as few as three available for order at time. though dont know how good theyd be really, as never heard it discussed.
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